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Stay friends, or no contact?

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I went out with this girl about 3 years ago, for a year, and we broke up. After this we didn't see each other. That was until about a year ago. We bth go to the same school, and both eneded up seeing a lot of each other one summer holiday, we became quite good friends again. Things started to get flirty, kissing each other and other flirty things. This caused some old feelings for me to come back, and I started to fall for this girl again, pretty bad. Then a few weeks ago, after us not seeing each other for a few weeks, when we met again she lost interest. She flirts around with other guys, and has said that she likes someome.


Maybee she never returned the feelings in the first place and it was just messing around. But now when I am with her, just as friends, I find it quite painfull espically to watch her flirt around with this guy she likes. I can end up getting pretty down over it. What I want to know is can I just be her friend, or do I need to go 'no contact' to get over this. We are in same classes, but I could pretty much keep away from her, and defiantly could out of school.

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The worst thing you could probably is keep thinking about this one girl. Go and date other girls. Put her in the back of your mind. I know people think that's a terrible idea, but frankly, obsessing over one woman will only put you in a rut and won't bring you two any closer. More likely, it will have the opposite effect.

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I understand, and I know how depressing it can feel. You should still stay friends and be prepared to seize the opportunity if it comes. But you should be looking for other girls. You may just find one better than the one you like. You never know man, hard to say but good luck either way.

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I would let her go, dont be around as much and keep your distance. The reason is, it will be easier for you to let her go and your feelings. Its very hard to be friends with a girl when you have feelings for her. I know, I have a friend that I dated and still in love with her. But she is not in love with me, we are best of friends, but it hurts me so much when she tells me she is dating another guy. I am a very jealous person and dont know why we couldnt have a relationship together. So, its very hard for me to keep the friendship, but we do.


If you were only friends together, that would be fine, but you kissed her, have feelings and you cant jump back to friends when you jumped to the next step.

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