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Defining the word "gay" to kids

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It's all in the title really.


I was asked this question earlier today, how would I personally define the word gay to a child?


I know kids' minds develop at a crazy speed, but for example, if your 11/12 year old brother/sister/son/daughter asked you directly what the word gay meant, and what being gay means, how would you define it to them?

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First I would ask where they heard the word from.


I would probably keep it simple:


Ladies who like other ladies. Ladies who have girlfriends.




Men who like other men. Men who have boyfriends.


Something along those lines. I think "like" is a general word you could use that is not confusing to a kid, does not imply anything sexual, but usually implies physical attraction. (i.e. in elementary school they are always talking about who "likes" who)


Tough one....

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As I told my 8 year old cousin recently when he asked me, Being gay is when two boys or two girls like/love each other. It's simple as that, no reason to go into a ton of detail of well they do this and they do that, just like you wouldnt do if a kid asked you what "straight" was. Kids minds make things complex enough .

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You have to just explain that some men and women, instead of liking other women and men (respectively) like other men and women instead (again, respectively).


When they are young...kids generally are quite non-plussed by the concept once you explain it...particularly if YOU aren't fazed or upset by the idea. Kids otherwise tend to absorb the same fears/discriminations etc as their parents do.


My stepfather when I was younger was homophobic, but he explained it to us not so...I never even knew he felt that way until much later. But the point is as he was unbiased about it, we never adopted those beliefs/perceptions and were accepting of the idea. By the way, he no longer IS that way at all. My brother is gay, and he and his partner are fully accepted and loved by him, and all of our family.

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I would also ask where they heard it. I think that it would be confusing to use the word "like", because if they have friends they like of the same sex, they might think that means they are gay


I would say that most people look for someone of the other sex to be their girlfriend or boyfriend, but some men prefer boyfriends and some women prefer girlfriends.

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