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Saying "I Love You"... When, where, and how ?


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So, I was just curious to know, when was the fastest you ever told anyone that you loved them (like in love with them). How did that relationship end up? Did you actually feel like you were in love with that person at the time, or did you just "respond appropriately"?


My boyfriend of 1 1/2 months exchanged "I Love You's" in a super intense moment, and people are saying that that was way too fast. So it made me curious to come on here and ask.


I know there are so many different scenarios. But I'd like to hear about them, whether they are past relationships or current ones.

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My ex said it after 2 weeks and I said it back...but looking back it was too soon. Turned out to be a horrible relationship that somehow lasted for 2 years.


My current boyfriend said it after 3 months and I said it back and completely meant it. I felt it earlier..probably I'd say after 2 months. We're in a great relationship

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Strangely enough, for me, the "I love you"'s started before the relationship became romantic. He was my best friend, and the feeling of love developed very naturally and almost imperceptably from that friendship. It just took a few months to realize that the "I love you" didn't mean "I love you as a friend" - it meant what it said.

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my boyfriend said he was in love with me on our first date. We'd never known eachother as friends... we started dating two weeks after first meeting eachother.


I never said anything back, and he accepted that it was too soon. But I said it back when I was ready (which was a couple of days later) and it's been the happiest relationship I've so far been in. It's been over a year.


so, he actually said it about 40 minutes into the relationship.

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So, I was just curious to know, when was the fastest you ever told anyone that you loved them (like in love with them). How did that relationship end up? Did you actually feel like you were in love with that person at the time, or did you just "respond appropriately"?


My boyfriend of 1 1/2 months exchanged "I Love You's" in a super intense moment, and people are saying that that was way too fast. So it made me curious to come on here and ask.


I know there are so many different scenarios. But I'd like to hear about them, whether they are past relationships or current ones.


I said it after a month or something, (well, one month in this city, two months since we got togehter) and he didnt say it back... I dont really mind, I know hes different to me and that he feels something strong.


I have known him for years tho, and he was my first real bf... I never really lost those feelings for him, being back with him feels like going home.


I fall in love hard and fast

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He told me he loved me about two to three weeks into the relationship by hinting at it (he knew i wasn't ready to hear it but he really wanted to say it). When i talked to him about it and brought it up about his sneaky text messages and hints he told me he'll tell me when i'm ready. I couldn't keep fighting against saying it at about month and half to two months.


We're both very protective about our hearts so it was the first time we told someone this.


It's the most incredible relationship, he makes me so happy! We're in it for the long haul. He's an amazing person, just a beautiful person


It took many nights of worry and bad dreams to decide that I wasn't crazy, and it wasn't too soon to feel like that. It's right when it's right.

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His "I'm in love with you" is what started the relationship!

He had been in love with me for 1.5 years.

I had been in love with him for 1.5 years.


He lives far from me. And at a certain point, wandering around in this town, I knew I didn't want to date anyone but him (and I never thought we'd date... ever!). But I couldn't be with anyone unless it was him. It had felt like that for a while... he felt like that too!


Now we're still in our relationship and it's just wonderful.

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I blurted it out to my ex after 6 weeks of being together one night when we were drunk and he was putting a blanket over me on the couch. Not romantic but he said he'd been in love with me for years, and for that it was a wonderful momment.

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