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I learned something last night...


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Sometimes, it great to actually kick back and take the time to make love with your partner, instead of saying "this is what gets me off easiest/quickest" or "I'm tired, let's make it fast" or anything to that effect.


My fiancee and I normally don't see each other during the week, but we did last night, and we took the time to reconnect and actually in a sense "re-discover" things about each other that we kind of forgot in the everyday grind of things. Even found some new erogenous zones! It was quite nice! haha...


Just thought I'd share. Has anybody else had that experience?

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Sometimes, it great to actually kick back and take the time to make love with your partner, instead of saying "this is what gets me off easiest/quickest" or "I'm tired, let's make it fast" or anything to that effect.


I know exactly what you mean... I'm a much bigger fan of making love than just straight up ****ing. My last ex, all she ever wanted was the "lets make this quick so I can go to sleep" sex and I came to hate it. She rarely ever wanted to make love because it "wastes too much time." Right...



Anyways, that's great you took the time to rediscover yourselves... It's fun learning new things about your partner

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Yep, I think that taking your time to just enjoy where you are at that moment totally makes the whole experience a better one. Its especially good with the right person. Ah man, makes me miss having someone around.


I could never understand the people who only want the quick sessions, all the time. Sure its nice to sometimes just throw things off the nearest platform and go at it, thats fun too. But not every time. Boring to me.

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Sometimes, it great to actually kick back and take the time to make love with your partner, instead of saying "this is what gets me off easiest/quickest" or "I'm tired, let's make it fast" or anything to that effect.



I mean, nothing wrong with just attacking and going till one of you finishes, but when you have the time, its important to just keep it going as long as you can... enjoy the whole thing, not just the climax.

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