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we are both in highschool and i broke up with her because she did something really bad. she apologizes and cries and lives depressed. i should feel aweful, but i enjoy her pain. i love it when she cries. when she calls, i make her cry. i call her with the intent of making her cry. i used to love her. but i think she deserves it.

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Wow. Okay you seriously need to stop talking to this girl. You are not doing her any good and she's not doing you any good. Sorry but unless she's killed someone, nothing could be so bad that she deserves this. That is just cruel.

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we are both in highschool and i broke up with her because she did something really bad. she apologizes and cries and lives depressed. i should feel aweful, but i enjoy her pain. i love it when she cries. when she calls, i make her cry. i call her with the intent of making her cry. i used to love her. but i think she deserves it.


Umm wow!! sounds really rude to me, you call her just to hear her cry? If I was your ex, I'd be really mad at you

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Hmmm I agree with what the others are saying its pretty cruel.


But the deeper question you might want to ask yourself is if this is a positive way for you to heal from the hurt she caused you. I mean, in the long run, is this helping you move on? Does it take your pain away? I doubt it, maybe you should focus your energy on trying to move on.


If she hurt you really bad, she doesn't really deserve your phone calls/energy anyways.

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There is no doubt that some people just deserves it. I don't believe in treating all human with goodness. Question is, do you still want to get back together. If not, then the silent treatment is the way to go.

She cries because she wants to get back together most likely, all the decision is up to you.

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There is no doubt that some people just deserves it. I


Maybe if they are evil people or have done something truly terrible such as murdering someone. But most people don't deserve to be deliberately made to feel bad, even if they mess up. My instinct would be that a high school girl has probably not done anything so terrible as to deserve this but I'd be curious to know what exactly she did.

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And who exactly are you to decide what she deserves or who deserves what?


I am really curious about what she did...


If this is the way you insist on acting I hope you get it out of your system in high school, because it will get you nowhere as an adult.

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ok, for those asking what she did. she cheated, twice. i took her back the first time because it was exactly like it is now. she would apologize and cry and i felt guilty because SHE cheated on ME. she acts like some sick mormon poligamist. this time, i hate her for it. of course i want her back. but she will do it again and again and again.


she is adopted (biological mother had her at age 16, also into drugs, etc.)


her ''parents'' love me, i love them, i love her. but i hate her.


i wish i knew what to do to make us both happy... sorry

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I can understand your anger and I guess revenge is looking like a pretty good option.


But really if you pursue that you are only stooping to her level.


Be the bigger person and ignore her and move on. Your indifference to her will hurt her more than anything else you could say or do.


Re. getting back together...I think you'd be crazy to even try. She's going to cause you a lot of trouble.

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ok, for those asking what she did. she cheated, twice. i took her back the first time because it was exactly like it is now. she would apologize and cry and i felt guilty because SHE cheated on ME. she acts like some sick mormon poligamist. this time, i hate her for it. of course i want her back. but she will do it again and again and again.


she is adopted (biological mother had her at age 16, also into drugs, etc.)


her ''parents'' love me, i love them, i love her. but i hate her.


i wish i knew what to do to make us both happy... sorry


I think you both need some time off from each other. Don't call her. Keep contact to a minimum until you can clear your head. She probably regrets what she did but she's not good for you because she's already cheated on you twice. The best thing you can probably do is to just stay away from each other and if she asks for you back, don't try to make her cry, just try to be firm and let her know you are through with the relationship.


You can't make her happy right now and she can't make you happy. You both need time to think. You need to think about how in the future you can avoid letting someone guilt you into taking them back when they have done you wrong. And she needs to think about how she can be faithful to the person she is with. I don't think there is any way through this but having time to yourselves to reflect on this and heal from it.

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what a mess. i want her to get over me, but she is taking forever... all of my friends AND her friends say i shouldn't take her back. ughhhhhh, i hate it.


2 posts stood out to me *1 said she probably deserved it.

*the 2nd said let her go, take time off, reflect.


both of those posts are right, but, this is miserable... owell

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She doesn't deserve your time and energy. She feels horrible and is trying to make you feel horrible too. So don't give that to her. Don't let her have that kind of power over you. Stop calling her, give yourself some space, and move on.


You know what is important in a relationship to you now- honesty and loyalty. Take this as a lesson and move on.

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