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Went In For Botox...came Out With Something Even More

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Ok...I am like any other woman. I have a vain side...so I decided to try

out Botox..because I just turned 36..and I wanted to see how effective it really is. Well....I got it done yesterday...and while the full effects haven't taken place ..I can DEFINETELY see a difference.. but something happened

that shocked me even more. That is....that I am in SUCH a better, more

even keeled mood. Seriously. I had heard that Botox was used to treat patients who were depressed..and I also know it's used to treat severe migraines...neither of which I suffer....BUT I have to say..it WORKS.

Anyway..I went online and searched Botox and depression..and sure enough, several articles about it popped up.Apparently not being able to scowl or frown emits tthis to your brain which basically keeps you from feeling sad or depressed.

I am not encouraging anyone to go get Botox if you're feeling depressed...

but I can attest to the fact that it DOES make you feel better. Just wanted to share.

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Thanks for everyones compliments. I do appreciate it...

I just want everyone to know I'm not a shallow vain person.

I was just curious to see how effective botox is...and the bonus was that it

not only helps aesthetically...but mentally as well.

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Botox lasts between 4-5 months usually.....and usually after

getting it a few times..the results tend to last longer.


So you won't be able to frown or scowl for 4-5 months?

I hope I'm not sounding like an idiot but I really need to know.

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haha....Actually...Botox gives you a more rested or relaxed appearance. It doesn't completely paralyze your face...it just keeps you from furrowing your brow..or "scowling"....which can make you look angrier or more tired than you really are.

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Botox was used to help prevent muscle contractions and spasms on the back (alot of back pain is actually just muscle pain). The toxin damages the nerve cells preventing the normal impulses to the muscle. It is an extremely powerful neurotoxin.


Botulinum toxin is actually the waste products of bacteria. It is also considered a minor chemical weapon because if poisoned it could cause muscle paralysis and you eventually suffocate.

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Botox is something Im very curious about because I say I will never get it, but who knows how I will feel in fifteen years when my wrinkles come out and botox is as common as brushing your teeth?


Sometimes I think that I'll end up caving in and getting it. But the other side of me can't wait to grow old and get wrinkles. You know?


So its interesting to me that you have found some positive side effects of it. To be honest, I have never heard anyone tell me any negative side effects...

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haha....Actually...Botox gives you a more rested or relaxed appearance. It doesn't completely paralyze your face...it just keeps you from furrowing your brow..or "scowling"....which can make you look angrier or more tired than you really are.


I see. It takes away the natural look doesn't it? Makes the face expressionless- like a zombie?

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I saw someone get injections on one of those rich wives reality shows and wondered how long it would last. Is there any fear of that injection turning to plastic or something under the surface and going bad? Do you know what I mean? I'm not articulating my question too well.


In any case, I think I'd rather get a g-spot enhancement ~kidding~

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I got it once and it definitely works. I used it around my crow's feet, not in the center of my forehead, because I tend not to do the center line crease thing. But I definitely have lines on my eyes and well, my whole family does. It's possible that it can be charming on men, maybe not so much on women, who knows? Nonetheless, I found it took some time to begin working, like four or five days and that it only lasted for me for about three months. I would agree that the information I received was that the need for frequent visits would become less necessary over time if you continued treatments? I also refrained from getting it in between my forehead because of what the doc told me about the SLIGHT possiblity of the agent sinking into the eyelid area and paralyzing the upper and/or lower eyelids forever. BUT she did inform that that was a rare event.


Do you remember how many mg you got injected in each area. I want to say I got 10 mg or 15 mg. I think for a longer lasting effect, the higher dose may be more efficacious but I was very nervous. I never had any of the flu-like symptoms or headaches.

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I've had it. It really works! It was no big deal. Getting my eyebrows waxed is much more painful. Took all of 2 minutes. Took about 3-4 days to see the results. Wore off in about 3 months.


No your face isn't frozen or paralyzed forever. There is a lot of ignorance floating around about these things.


Planning to do it again next week.

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