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Oddness when stressed...

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Okies... so... my eyesight has gone down the pooper recently from looking at a screen all day, thats to be expected...


But recently, when I get angry/stressed (if someone is getting me riled in a thread or when I was really upset over hte weekend) my eyes get really blurry...like I am about to fall asleep...


not only that, but if its really bad my head will spin, like I am fainting, and if its REALLy bad I can ~feel~ and definetly hear this big "zip" sensation up my neck...


its pretty horrible... do you think Im lacking a vitamin or something?

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Are you in fluorescent lighting a lot? Exposing your eyes to such a limited frequency range for more than a few minutes can actually damage your rods and cones. The best solution is to expose your eyes to some full frequency light aka, the sun. If that doesn't work, take a nap, your eyes can get burns-out too.


And if all that doesn't work, please, seek professional help.

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If you are using a cathode ray tube (CRT) type of monitor consider using a flat panel LCD display instead. It emits so much less radiation than a CRT monitor. You could also try using a laptop instead.

Another reason could be the type of clothing: are you wearing any tops that are tight around the neck by any chance - like turtle necks? Those could restrict blood flow to your brain if they are tight.

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I'm using an LCD screen and I get those "brainzaps" too. I think it may be related to needing some vitamines, but I don't take vitamines as they give me headaches (I usually suffer from migraine).


I think vitamines help, as they are used to aleviate the brainzaps when withrawing from Efexor XR (antidepresive).

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When you argue, do you tend to hold your breath/have bad breathing? I say this because when I focus on a fixed spot, I often hold my breath and end up feeling really faint and having to sit down ... maybe something similar is happening? That's my only uneducated suggestion.

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I am continually in fourescent lighting... that could suite possibly explain the eyes getting worse, but I started getting the "swimming head" thing when I was going through some real heavy stuff with an ex, before I was in this job with the lights.


Im not using a ray tube (??) and I dont wear clothes that restrict me around the neck or anything.


It could be loss of breath I suppose, but I dont think I breath badly when angry, people dont even KNOW im angry if they can see me, unless Im shaking or something...


Gah, I hope it has nothing to do with a drug binge I had last year

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...Gah, I hope it has nothing to do with a drug binge I had last year



There you have it. I was about to ask if you had taken any 'substance' in the last few months. Some powerful drugs have withdrawal symptoms like the ones that you described, particularly the hallucinogens like LSD. Get some blood samples taken to confirm...

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Seriously, it may be time for a checkup at the doctor. What you described doesn't sound too good.

I'd follow this advice as well, but be skeptic about the diagnosis if doctor's logic doesn't sound right


try these as well

- check blood pressure

- check your diets

- check your sleeping pattern

- check for hydration


and yes, purchase LCD whether or not you feel tired/fainting.


I know some people who have jobs that requires them to work 8 hrs on the computer everyday. After awhile, they aren't able to focus on a spot else they'd get a headache. I doubt that's your problem, but it's always good not to stare at the computer screen for too long. Especially if you wear contact lens.

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