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last nite i got drunk and naked


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last nite i went out with a few of my friends. i was really mad about some stuff i been going thru with my ex. i got really drunk and i started dancing to a song that was playing and i started taking off all my clothes. my ex's brother was there and saw what i was doing . now he thinks i'm a and said he's glad that i'm not with his brother and he hopes that we never get back together. he told me he is going to tell my ex everything i did last nite. my ex just called me and i din't answer the phone. i'm afraid to talk to him. what do i do?

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Your ex is your ex, don't worry about what he thinks. Just don't entertain any conversation on the subject. Tell him flat out if you do talk to him that you don't wish to discuss it.


Did you get totally undressed in pulbic? I hope nobody took pictures for your sake as that's likely not what you'd like to have happened. It's not so awful, it's a way of blowng off steam though it's certainly not something most of us would do.


Just try to keep your senses a bit more next time and just pass it off as one of those crazy things we do sometimes when we under stress.

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You might want to consider laying off the sauce until you are over the ex to avoid any further incidents like this one.


That being said, I agree with Ash. He's your ex which means you don't owe him an explanation for anything. I wouldn't even take the call.

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What can you do at this point? I can't think of a single plausable lie that you could come up that would explain this behavior.

He's your ex anyway, you don't owe him any explanations. Obviously something prompted this, so you'd best be trying to figure this out.


I fully agree.

There is nothing you can do at this point. And he's your ex. You don't owe him an explaination.

but next time, just maybe use better judgement as to who's around when doing something like that hope you had fun though.

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where do you hang out?


Haha. I was going to ask the same question earlier, glad someone else did.


I wouldn't worry bout him, who cares what he knows or thinks? But, I may entertain thoughts of laying off the syrup for the time being. Unless of course this particular incident is not isolated and does not bother you, aside from the ex knowing.

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From experience...


Go to AA before you get that drunk and out of control again. Not that there is anything wrong with getting naked, but it appears that you did this and regret it. If you are getting drunk to the point of regret, you have a problem, even if you only get drunk on weekends.

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Thats a matter of opinion.


I am just expressing mine from experience because I used to think the same way you did. I thought that because I only got wasted on weekends and that I didn't ever drink alone that it wasn't a problem. But my problem wasn't the frequency, it was the amount of consumption.


FYI, there is nothing extreme about going to a meeting and sitting there.


To the OP, of course you can do what you want with my advice, and I am not saying that AA is the only answer. But if you are doing things you regret when you drink you could be on a road to self destruction. You are lucky that you did something you regretted when you didn't have a relationship to lose per sae. But what if you did? Maybe you value the friendship of your ex and you feel like you have lost something.


Everyone who quits or seriously cuts back on their drinking pays a price to get there. Usually they lose someone close to them (who lost respect for them) or their license or hurt someone. Try to catch yourself before you end up there.


Thats all I'm saying.

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Every1 does stupid drunk things they later think really shouldn't have done. I wouldn't worry about it every1 does stupid things it adds to your life story cos you wouldn't want it to be dull. Don't worry about your ex and his brother is a big spoon and so it only matters how u feel.

Good luck i hope u move on and find happiness

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Every1 does stupid drunk things they later think really shouldn't have done.


Ummm ... well not everyone. Some don't do stupid things and some don't even get drunk in the first place!

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And if a guy gets drunk and does a strip in front of a bunch of women? You don't think they'll be saying its hot?



i'm sure they will. i'm just saying from my perspective. sorry for having an opinion locke.


and no, not everybody does stupid things. i do funny things when i get drunk, but i've never woken up in the morning not knowing what i did, or having someone tell me how stupid i was. i know somebody that gets drunk and ends up not caring about his wife and kids and tries to hit on women. something i would do? no way. i tell him all the time it isn't right. he blames it on being drunk. i think he would do it if sober if it presented itself to him. but alcohol brings out dark things. it doesn't make you do anything though. if chemically it does, you shouldn't drink.

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