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Quiet birthday


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birthday today, no cards yet. reminds me of my 21st birthday which i also spent on my own. i was too embarrassed to spend it with my parents so i drove all the way to bristol for the weekend and lounged around in the park reading a book. i slept in the car and got sunburned and that was about it, still it was one of my happiest birthdays. i'm good at lying to myself. i drove back with the windows down and the stereo on full blast and convinced myself that everything was going to get better. not so.

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birthday today, no cards yet. reminds me of my 21st birthday which i also spent on my own. i was too embarrassed to spend it with my parents so i drove all the way to bristol for the weekend and lounged around in the park reading a book. i slept in the car and got sunburned and that was about it, still it was one of my happiest birthdays. i'm good at lying to myself. i drove back with the windows down and the stereo on full blast and convinced myself that everything was going to get better. not so.


First of all, happy birthday and best wishes. Try not to be too down about it. I've had a few birthdays on my own. It's still a reason to celebrate. You've survived another year, you're another year wiser, etc.


Keep your chin up!

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I celebrated 3 of my birthdays in Juvie and one in jail. I'd rather be alone on the outside, being able to smoke a cigarette, have a couple shots, and watch TV, than have to spend it with a bunch of criminals (ha!) naked in the shower, eating the next best thing to * * * *.


With that aside I hope you DO have a great birthday, even if you ARE alone. Relax and think about how much you've grown since your last b-day. What are your goals till your next one? Imagine!

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Happy Birthday!


I've spent a few of my birthdays sick in bed, I guess its the luck of being born during flu season, but cake doesn't do any for you any way.


Why not spend your birthday with your parents? They are the people that gave you life you are celebrating, do you have a history with them that you don't want to be around them?


I'm 26 this year and wouldn't mind my Mom being the only person I celebrated with. I'm not embarrassed at all to say my Mom is one of my bestfriends.

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Happy Birthday!


I've spent a few of my birthdays sick in bed, I guess its the luck of being born during flu season, but cake doesn't do any for you any way.


Why not spend your birthday with your parents? They are the people that gave you life you are celebrating, do you have a history with them that you don't want to be around them?


I'm 26 this year and wouldn't mind my Mom being the only person I celebrated with. I'm not embarrassed at all to say my Mom is one of my bestfriends.


MINE TOO! I love my mother more than ANYTHING. My mother really is my BEST friend. No more, no less. I miss her just thinking about her

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I was alone on my birthday for the first time last year. My family didn't even call to say Happy Birthday until the next day. I was really depressed. This year I'm going to dinner with my brother and his girlfriend (my birthday is Sunday) and seeing my daughter in the afternoon for ice cream.


Call a friend, go out for a meal, see a movie. I'm looking forward to that movie Preminition wish it came out this weekend. Sounds like you made the most of your 21st birthday, do something great for yourself again!

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thanks 4 the replies. the lack of cards should tell you something- that i don't have any friends to call up. i can't go out to eat myself. maybe i will go and get a birthday cake and eat it all myself, i might be sick though.


i thought that 21st bdays were sposed 2b special. to lie to your family and say you are going to spend it with imaginary mates was depressing. and then 3 days completely alone at the other end of the country, no cake, cards or even a beer. admittedly i was very naive and immature at 20. i did the same thing on milennium eve too, then tried to off myself 3 weeks later.

just need to get it off my chest.



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If it makes you feel any better, I celebrated my 21st b-day sick in bed. Not like I would've had any friends to hang out with anyway. This year I also celebrated my 22nd alone. You just need to start getting out there and talking to people more. So much easier said than done, I know.

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Sorry didn't realize you lied to family. I usually spend birthdays with family. I just have a few good friends. I was pregnant on my 21st birthday. My ex and I did go out, I looked fat not pregnant, and yes I did drink, which was a mistake (I totally feel responsible for my son's behavoior problems). So it wasn't my dream birthday either. I wanted to go out partying with friends (legally), but most weren't 21 anyway.


So what's your ideal birthday? Make it real. Plan it for today or next year. Don't count on someone else to plan it for you.

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You've had a really crappy past, and I think about you sometimes when I'm not on this forum. You've always seemed like a decent person who deserves more from life. I hope you can make a better future.

Happy birthday, Timboo.

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