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Is it a lost case if he doesnt flirt back?


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Ok, ive become sort of a flirt. Many men especially at the work place flirt with me, so Ive had a fair share of practice.


Now, when it comes to that person I like, I didnt know how else to show him i fancy him. So i flirt full blast. Excessive eye contact, grinning, the looks the smiles..everything. Very obvious too. But no, I dont approach them, or stalk them, its only when they come to me or pass by me is when I take the plunge.


And for my bad luck, he gets embarrassed when I do that. He smiles happily (probably is flattered) but doesnt really flirt back. Very rarely.

Most of the time, he has nothing to say. Even worse is when i start joking around, he gets all serious, and when i smile uncontrollably, he gets nervous, and walks off. And yet, I feel like he keeps coming to me with reasons to talk.


](*,) Strangely, Im too shy to ask, but not too shy to flirt. Do men as such enjoy this attention? Do you think this is whats happening here?

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Haha human social dynamics are screwy, its a miracle people even find mates. Im sure that he enjoys it on some level. Maybe he is just trying to summon the courage, be persistent until you judge it a lost cause for yoruself

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I've recently answered an almost similar question. The problem with such shy guys is that he does not know how to express himself. Yes he sees that you are flirting and he wants to flirt back. What frustrates him is that he does not know how to. I mean he's an introvert and he is not used to being outspoken. What you could do is to interact with him at every opportunity until he starts to feel comfortable around you. It might be a long time but if you really like him, then you won't mind.

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