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Had a one night stand and am feeling affections for the girl


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My friend who's Japanese (has a girlfriend) had a girl come visit him from Japan, she is half Japanese/half Austrian. My friend and I both live in Austria. So she came not to really visit him, but to check out the universities here if she would come to school here. She just stayed at his place cause it would have been cheaper than a hotel. Well since my friend is such a computer gaming freak, he was really lazy and didnt really want to show her around, besides since he hasnt lived here so long, so he didnt know much. Well later that day we were at my friends house. He was playing on his computer and her and I watched a movie and were drinking beers and vodka, we got so drunk that we eventually made out. We made out and had oral sex in my car and sex later that night at my place..


Well she left Vienna last Saturday and is in Germany now looking at other universities.. There is a chance thats she might never come back. I sent her an email about how I feel and that I am not the type of guy to just go for one night stands and have the girl dumped out someplace. I gained affection for her and while we were have sex and together, she seemed to show signs of affection too, holding my hand, sleeping on my chest and holding me real tight. She didnt say anything but it seemed like it. I havent received an email from her yet, but I hope she doesnt think I am an asshole or some freak...


If anyone has any real good advice on what I should do, that would be great.. And I dont need any "oh it will be ok" trash.. I got enough of that already, lol....


Thxs! later

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Okay, now for some rational advice....lol (KIDDING!) She's far away from you. Simple as that. It's great that you had the feelings, and I'm sure they were returned in some part by her, but she's in another country....how much can you expect to change over a one-night stand? Putting myself in her shoes, I'd be THRILLED that I was more than just a cheap....er......you know....lol......to a man that I'd met and slept with once, but given the reality of my daily life and location, I couldn't base too much on it. I suggest you let her go and find someone a little more....er......convenient?

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You are just letting the booty cloud your mind, you do not love this girl, it was just sex. I am sure that is all she though it was. I mean if she is the type of girl who just sleeps with random guys, who knows who else she has had one-nighters with. A guy and girl plus alcohol does not equal love. Like all my guy friends say do not fall in love with the first(or maybe second) piece of ass you get. Maybe she will write you back, but I am sure a LDR is not going to happen. Find a girl who is closer to where you live. She may be going down on some guy in Germany for all you know. Good Luck. I hope that things will work out for you.

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