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Dangers of birth control!?

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So I'm thinking of taking the pill, to help with my PMS. I heard yasmin was good. I read some side-effects of birth control and they sound really scary!!! exactly how common are the really bad side effects??? anyone have any bad past experiences? I don't know if it's worth the risks.

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Manufacturer Berlex

Description Yasmin works by stopping a woman's egg from fully developing each month. The egg can no longer accept a sperm and fertilization is prevented. Although oral contraceptives have other effects that help prevent a pregnancy from occurring, this is the main action.


Caution SIDE EFFECTS that may occur while taking this medication includes abdominal cramping or bloating, acne, breast pain, tenderness or swelling, dizziness, nausea, swelling of the ankles and feet, unusual tiredness or weakness and vomiting.


This doesn't tell about the increase risks of blood clotting. In some people that can cause stroke, especially for smokers, and for women over 35.

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I was on aleve for a few years. Jan 2006 I went off it because my mood swings were uncontrollable. I knew I was being irrational but couldn't help but freak out especially to my bf at the time! I did not experience any of the side effects listed above, and actually had lighter periods with less pms cramping symptoms (other than being a raving b****; but that was only for a few months near the end for whatever reason.)

I also was a smoker and had no blood clot complications. The only issue was for the first month or so I was on the pill I had spotting every day. After that, it was great.


But remember, every single pill effects every single person differently. Check with your doctor, and their recommendations.

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I was on Yasmin, and it worked awesome for me, with absolutely NO side effects. However, I had to switch because it was expensive (yay for insurance not covering it) and the stuff I'm on now, made me gain weight and doesn't really help with the mood swings at all.


I guess it basically boils down to you and how your body reacts to it as an individual.

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Talk to your gyno about your concerns. Some women are in a higher risk category (age/smoking/circulatory problems/heart/family history of stroke, etc.), so you should talk to your doc about your history. Also know that there is a risk involved. Also ask if herbal treatments, dietary change, and sleep or fitness changes could help you out.

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