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The Mysterious Guy


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Ahh... I disagree with this... I was only asking yesterday for the opinions of why men don't appraoch attractive girls.... and it is disheartening to a young woman to go home and have had noone approach her in some public setting... everyone needs to feel attractive - don't always assume what you see is what she sees - we only know if we are or are not attractive to the opposite sex by people's reactions to us and comments... if you don't let her know she's hot, chances are - she thinks she's not!!!


I think 99% of "hot" girls know they're "hot". Which is usually why most of them are more confident and outgoing than guys. Guys in general never really know if we are physically attractive to women; cause women never (at least for me anyways) tell it to a guy up front. Guys will do that with women.


Though I think this "mysterious" kind of guy will only appeal if the guy is at least moderately physically attractive to the girl. Because there are a bunch of girls I have maybe had a few words with, tried to get to know them to show some interest, and then would ignore. Basically the previous posters described the mysterious guy as one who enters her life but keeps his distance. But again, that happens quite a bit with girls I meet but none of them likely consider me "mysterious." It sounds like that they would know little about the guy (aside from finding him physically attractive or not).


I'm just sketchy on how mysterious is different from a guy who just ignores a woman who is used to attention.

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Ahh... I disagree with this... I was only asking yesterday for the opinions of why men don't appraoch attractive girls.... and it is disheartening to a young woman to go home and have had noone approach her in some public setting... everyone needs to feel attractive - don't always assume what you see is what she sees - we only know if we are or are not attractive to the opposite sex by people's reactions to us and comments... if you don't let her know she's hot, chances are - she thinks she's not!!!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A lot of guys may not approach the very attractive woman because they assume they don't have a chance.

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Ahh... I disagree with this... I was only asking yesterday for the opinions of why men don't appraoch attractive girls.... and it is disheartening to a young woman to go home and have had noone approach her in some public setting... everyone needs to feel attractive - don't always assume what you see is what she sees - we only know if we are or are not attractive to the opposite sex by people's reactions to us and comments... if you don't let her know she's hot, chances are - she thinks she's not!!!


You should read my thread in the shyness folder about getting rejected viciously. A few weeks ago, I approached a girl in nightclub. When I started talking to her, she got hostile and told me to talk to someone else. In my city, women are not particularly friendly toward guys outside of their social circle who approach them. They assume that guys just want to get in their pants. One of my friends who is successful with women told me that he wanted to sleep with this girl even though he barely knew her. He didn't give a crap about her personality or her interests. The only thing he cared about was her pretty face and sexy body.


Though I think this "mysterious" kind of guy will only appeal if the guy is at least moderately physically attractive to the girl. Because there are a bunch of girls I have maybe had a few words with, tried to get to know them to show some interest, and then would ignore. Basically the previous posters described the mysterious guy as one who enters her life but keeps his distance. But again, that happens quite a bit with girls I meet but none of them likely consider me "mysterious." It sounds like that they would know little about the guy (aside from finding him physically attractive or not).


Women are different from guys. They don't care about looks as much as med do. Men want women who are youthful and healthy so that she could give birth to children.. Women want men who are confident and successful because they want a guy who could protect her and their offspring. Trying to get to know them is not enough to get her to perceive you as mysterious if she is not attracted to your personality or looks.

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or when a girl knows she is attractive or can 'get' a guy when she wants....but the one guy won't pay her any attention or seems quiet. it totally intrigues them. i've been hit on for this reason. sometimes i just don't feel interactive though. usually i'm the talker. but sometimes when i'm out, i don't feel compelled to be out. this drives some chicks nuts why i don't talk to them. or they tried to catch me eye or strike up a conversation and i'm just like eh.


This is what confused me, that is awesome that this works for you, maybe it can for me but I don't see where I could go wrong. So what exactly do you do, I mean in a public place where there are a ton of guys, what made you different from the other guys that didn't talk to her? Because I've heard of this kind of thing and have tried it; like there was a girl in one of my classes that sat next to me who was cute as hell, and the three other guys that sat next to her/me would all try and get her to laugh and flirt (which most failed miserably she'd usually just give a polite laugh. usually never engaged them in convo herself.) I might have talked to her once, and only to ask her a question about a class I missed (totally legit). Only indication that I might have got that it was working is she asked me what page the class was on a few times.


would that be considered "mysterious" guy behavior? Maybe I have to hang with you ghost to get it down

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I'm just curious about all of this. Do girls dig a "mysterious" guy at a party? A bar? A show? In a crowd? At school? In class?....

Or...does the situation help if you are invited to a "get together", and you (the mysterious one) let your friend do all the interaction.

They either want to know about you are just think that you are lame because you are not a social person...

Basically what I am saying...is, that the "situation" has a lot to do with it. What do you guys think?

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