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The Mysterious Guy


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I think that quiet and mysterious guys are very attractive to women because they reveal so little and leave the rest up to the imaginatin of the girl. The girl is left wondering and imagining what there is she doesn't know, and it eats up her thoughts and she becomes captivated because she doesn't know. Mysterious guys reveal just a little bit to keep her interested, and then leave the rest up to the imagination....


this analogy may sound strange, but i think its true: a mysterious guy is like a girl who shows some cleavage. The man, seeing the clevage, gets just a little bit, and then wonders what else is under the clothing. In the same way, the quiet and mysterious man, feeds the girl just a tiny bit just to get her interested, and then the girl imagines what else is inside that she can't see yet.......


maybe that helps, maybe not...

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I think some women appreciate this, but for the most part its not a great attribute. Think about it like this, people are not afraid of the loud guy who talks about everything, they are afraid of the quiet guy because they dont have anything to derive his personality on. Similarly you could get lucky if you are quiet and mysterious and someone might assume that you have good qualities, but it is probably a lot easier to show them!

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Girls are intrigued by mysterious guys because they are different from all the guys who approach her. Young, attractive women get deluged by nice guys who ask her a bunch of boring, interview questions all the time. These girls get fawned on by guys because of their looks. At bars and nightclubs, you see generic nice guys buying women drinks. When a guy who is interesting yet unmoved by her looks comes around, she will become intrigued by who this guy is. He is different from all the other guys out there.

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or when a girl knows she is attractive or can 'get' a guy when she wants....but the one guy won't pay her any attention or seems quiet. it totally intrigues them. i've been hit on for this reason. sometimes i just don't feel interactive though. usually i'm the talker. but sometimes when i'm out, i don't feel compelled to be out. this drives some chicks nuts why i don't talk to them. or they tried to catch me eye or strike up a conversation and i'm just like eh.

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or when a girl knows she is attractive or can 'get' a guy when she wants....but the one guy won't pay her any attention or seems quiet. it totally intrigues them. i've been hit on for this reason. sometimes i just don't feel interactive though. usually i'm the talker. but sometimes when i'm out, i don't feel compelled to be out. this drives some chicks nuts why i don't talk to them. or they tried to catch me eye or strike up a conversation and i'm just like eh.


This happened to me once at a church social. I was sitting at the same table with this blond woman, and her brunette sister. The blond woman got hit on by a lot of guys that night. There was an actual LINE for guys who wanted to talk to her while she was eating her dinner. I'm not kidding.


Since I was too nervous to talk to her, I decided to talk to her younger sister(who was cute too) who was getting ignored by the guys. I was able to make her sister laugh, but it didn't go anwhere with her. When the two girls were about to leave, the blond woman started asking me all these questions about myself. She even asked me if she was going to see me again. I was too stupid to get the hint that she wanted to see me again and that she wanted me to have her number.


Why was she so intrigued by me? Simple, I ignored her the entire night. Furthermore, I socialized with her sister who was getting ignored by the guys in the room.

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i do that a lot. lol it works almost everytime. they can't stand that you aren't talking to them and want to know why. then they want a date or something further. lol too bad you didn't go for the number. you can still get it at church right?

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i do that a lot. lol it works almost everytime. they can't stand that you aren't talking to them and want to know why. then they want a date or something further. lol too bad you didn't go for the number. you can still get it at church right?


She doesn't go to that church regularly. This incident happened at the end of June 2006. Every time I go to that church, I scan the room hoping that I could talk to her again. Unfortunately, I have never seen her again since that night.

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That's odd. I ignore women all the time, and none of them seem to care. In fact, it probably makes them happy - having one less goon hitting on them all the time.


I guess it depends on the person and the situation.


Being disinterested in a girl is not enough to get her intrigued by you. You also have to be interesting and have value to her. That night, I was making her sister laugh hysterically and I was telling all these stories about myself. At the same time I was doing this, the blond woman was getting bored by this big guy. She must have been listening to what I was saying to her sister while she was tuning out this guy who was loud and obnoxious.


This type of flirting is pretty popular in the internet. A lot of people call it "indirect game". Many guys try this technique a lot in bars and nigthclubs where women are hit on all the time. Here is how it works. You intentionally ignore the girl you like, while you are socializing with her friends. When she sees that her friends like you, she will become intrigued by you because you are different from all the other guys that approach her.

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hey thanks...for the comments..

But seriously... I think it's strickly by the looks.

I'm taking on a new direction on this one.

I'm pretty sure if I say a joke to a girl they will think it's stupid or don't give a crap.

But a better looking dude says the same exact joke...they are all up on them.

I think girls are a lot picky on looks than guys are. The not so good looking guys are the ones girls "tell all their problems about" and "tease" them.

I hate that crap.

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This happened to me once at a church social. I was sitting at the same table with this blond woman, and her brunette sister. The blond woman got hit on by a lot of guys that night. There was an actual LINE for guys who wanted to talk to her while she was eating her dinner. I'm not kidding.


Since I was too nervous to talk to her, I decided to talk to her younger sister(who was cute too) who was getting ignored by the guys. I was able to make her sister laugh, but it didn't go anwhere with her. When the two girls were about to leave, the blond woman started asking me all these questions about myself. She even asked me if she was going to see me again. I was too stupid to get the hint that she wanted to see me again and that she wanted me to have her number.


Why was she so intrigued by me? Simple, I ignored her the entire night. Furthermore, I socialized with her sister who was getting ignored by the guys in the room.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------That sort of thing does seem to happen a lot.One can't be too mysterious though or the girl you are after will eventually lose interest.There is a girl at work who knows I am interested.I asked her out a while back but didn't know she had a boyfriend.I think she kind of expected me to be upset about it ,but I have just acted like I could care less .Lately she has been kind of seeking me out for attempted conversations but I have still been playing it pretty cool.She likely is used to guys falling over her all the time as she is attractive.So she likely can't understand why I am not doing the same.

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Scotty, you are correct. Young, attractive women get approached all the time. If some cool, interesting guy doesn't make a move on her, she would not lose any sleep because there will always be another guy to approach her in no time.

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I think that certain types of women like mysterious guys. Over time women want more from a guy than to just be mysterious so it may be something that they like initially but over time they do not.


I agree with this - of course I can't speak for all women - but it's often the case that what attracts you to a guy like this is usually what causes your break up down the track - like a bad boy... I tend to like someone who reveals themselves slowly - there is a certain sex appeal about those mysterious men... but down the track when you're begging for them to be outward and affectionate and honest - I guess we have to remind ourselves that we picked a guy who never was any of those things!!!!

So, they're fun and sexy... but not for the long haul!!

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Scotty, you are correct. Young, attractive women get approached all the time. If some cool, interesting guy doesn't make a move on her, she would not lose any sleep because there will always be another guy to approach her in no time.




Ahh... I disagree with this... I was only asking yesterday for the opinions of why men don't appraoch attractive girls.... and it is disheartening to a young woman to go home and have had noone approach her in some public setting... everyone needs to feel attractive - don't always assume what you see is what she sees - we only know if we are or are not attractive to the opposite sex by people's reactions to us and comments... if you don't let her know she's hot, chances are - she thinks she's not!!!

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