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If you were on the rebound...


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If you were on the rebound, would you hook-up with an ex or a stranger? With a stranger, there's no chance of getting hurt or attached, but sometimes meaningless sex can make you feel worse. With an ex, well, I don't know - never had the guts to try that (although I am on good terms with all my exes) .. comments, anyone?


If this has been a previous topic, I apologize - I am a newbie!!!

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Wouldn't do either. Meaningless sex is just that, meaningless, why sleep with some random person and put myself at risk for HIV or something else? And sleeping with an ex isn't much better, they're an ex, sleeping with them will only make a situation that can have emotional fallout that will just make a break up worse.

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Hooked up with an ex once while on the rebound. It was a bad idea because he wanted a relationship and after all that he put me through the first time around, I couldn't go back even though part of me really wanted to. It was a hard situation for both of us and ultimately it probably killed our friendship, although we still speak, it definitely put a damper on our friendship. But honestly I think that may be for the best. There were a lot of problems between us and it may not be a bad thing that that was something that pushed us further apart.


The real downside for me was that it made me miss the ex that I was on the rebound from even more because I kept comparing him to the other ex and thinking how much happier I was in the relationship I had just gotten out of that in the one that was now being offered.

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Nah an ex would make life more differcult you broke up with them for a reason and going back even if just for sex will probably make ur life even more differcult. i'd say rebounding with a stranger would be easier and more fun as long as they no that is what they are - a rebound.

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