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I cheated and he dont know and i left....


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Ok saturday night me and alot of my friends was partying at her house. well i called up one of my guy friends because thought i would like someone to hang out with. well i was currently dating a guy that works out of town alot. Well it all turned out to me cheating on my now exboyfriend. So i cheated and didnt tell him. i lied to him and told him it was my mom that said i better end. but i couldnt turn it down with the other guy because i have liked him for a while and it was a spur of the moment kind of thing. now i broke up with my boyfriend this morning and i dont know if i should have done that. now i was hopin that the other guy and me was gonna work out and i dont know what to do...

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I dont know what you are trying to say.


Did you cheat on A with B and now B doesnt want you and you ruined things with A and now you are single?


Well, thats what you get for cheating and using your bf as a back-up..

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That happened to me once and never again, trust me.

I had this amazing relationship with this guy#1 for already 9 months. I thought I love him, but I was secretly attracted to this other guy#2. This guy#2 and I had this thing going on, we flirted all the time and well we both knew we wanted something to happen but we tried to control ourselves because he had a girlfriend and I had a boyfriend. But one day, we just couldn't and we cheated on our partners. I kept doing it for about one week.. and without noticing my boyfriend and I were doing really bad, we used to fight all the time and the relationship became toxic. We ended our relationship and I realized I shouldn't have ever cheated on him and I wanted him back. He never found out about me cheating on him, but I guess he left me because of another thing and it was a karma I had to pay for cheating on him. And this other guy#2, he never broke up with his girlfriend & his girlfriend never found out, and they're still together.

Haha, it's ironic, I know.

But now I'm a little more mature about this, and I learned from this, and well, I won't cheat on anyone again because karma's a and besides, it wouldn't be nice if someone cheated on you. You won't feel right. and cheating doesn't feel right, neither, at least, I regret it so much, but at the same time I learned from it and I at least know I won't do it again.

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and know i cheated on him cause he was a good guy.


Either you're saying you feel bad and you know you cheated on him because he's too good for you; or you only know you cheated on him because he's so good. In that light, what does it matter if-


guy B likes me i just dont know which level he likes me...


when you couldn't resist cheating on good guy A, there can't be many levels to you at moment anyway can there? At least you know you were wrong, all you can do now is try and become a deeper person and maybe apologize to this A grade guy.

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I dont understand what the question in this thread is...


She feels bad about dumping guy "A" basically...looking for advice in general I think.


I think she did the right thing. No need to make guy "A" suffer the misery of knowing he's been cheated on. You cheated, you know what you did was wrong, and you left. Leave it at that and don't mess with guy "A" anymore - he doesn't deserve it. As for guy "B", if he's smart, he won't date you b/c he knows you're a cheater.

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Ok saturday night me and alot of my friends was partying at her house. well i called up one of my guy friends because thought i would like someone to hang out with. well i was currently dating a guy that works out of town alot. Well it all turned out to me cheating on my now exboyfriend. So i cheated and didnt tell him. i lied to him and told him it was my mom that said i better end. but i couldnt turn it down with the other guy because i have liked him for a while and it was a spur of the moment kind of thing. now i broke up with my boyfriend this morning and i dont know if i should have done that. now i was hopin that the other guy and me was gonna work out and i dont know what to do...


My opinion in this, ( if you'll hear me out and let me play the detective ) is there's a hopeful part of you that sparks would fly. For one, you were at a friend's party with a lot of your friends. You were among friends. Unless none at the party are really your friends, I would think you have more than someone to hang out with. For two, why among your guy friends did you call guy B? Well, let's get to the obvious. You wanted to hang out with him. You like him and have liked him for a while. You said so yourself. But that's perfectly fine. The only thing was the order of events that should've happened. Instead of breaking up with guy A first, you were caught by a spur-of-the-moment and moved on to guy B. You were caught in one relationship while at the start of another. But now that you've broken up with guy A, why do you doubt your decision? Why aren't you sure whether you should've broken up with guy A? Because it's never worth it to give up one relationship for another. Unless it's a failed relationship to begin with, you're giving up what you have for what might be. You give up what you know for what you're now wondering about; How much does he like me? Does he like me enough? Out of this uncertainty, you wonder what you should do. Well... all you can do is move on with your new guy and hope there won't be a guy C.

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Ok saturday night me and alot of my friends was partying at her house. well i called up one of my guy friends because thought i would like someone to hang out with.


so you and a lot of your friends were partying at your friends house, but you still needed someone to hang out with? sorry but to me, i think you wanted something to happen from the start.


So i cheated and didnt tell him. i lied to him and told him it was my mom that said i better end. but i couldnt turn it down with the other guy because i have liked him for a while and it was a spur of the moment kind of thing. now i broke up with my boyfriend this morning and i dont know if i should have done that. now i was hopin that the other guy and me was gonna work out and i dont know what to do...


So you cheated, hid it from him, lied, used your mum as a scapegoat, and you the only thing you aren't sure of is if breaking up was the right or wrong thing?


my opinion, it's the right thing, i just hope that this poor guy doesn't hear about your cheating, coz finding out from someone else after a break up is 100 times worse.


Well i cheated on guy A with guy B. I just dont know if i should have broke up with him. i mean i didnt want to keep datin him and know i cheated on him cause he was a good guy. But guy B likes me i just dont know which level he likes me...


you didn't want to keep dating him? but you still aren't sure if breaking up was the right thing.. if you don't like him, then, yes you should have broken up with him a long time ago. Personally I think stringing someone along like that is cruel and disrespectful to them.

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so why shouldnt you have broken up with A if you are a lying cheater who doesnt even like him and he is better off being free to find someone that would treat him well?


yeah... what you said.


Your 'ex'boyfriend deserves better than to be cheated on. The one positive thing you can take away from all of this is that at least you had enough respect not to lead him on and play him for a fool repeatedly. Dont tell him you cheated, just tell him that you didnt feel that it was working out for you and you think he deserves someone better.

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