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Lying - Symptom of Bi-Polar???

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Does anyone know if lying for apparently no reason is a symptom of bi-polar?


My recent ex would lie about the smallest things - and also quite big ones. Like lying to people online about her age, job, boyfriend (she didn't tell ppl bout that one.) Others in real life that she was no longer on dating sites where in fact all I had to do was go online to see. It seems she would fit the lies to the "person" - tell them what they would want to hear.


Plain as day lies that are easy to check out are lies. Also tell other ppl (a female friend) that she had gone somewhere else for the weekend when in fact she was with me. Just stupid lies that you can easily find out are lies. Other ppl that I had talked to would tell me things that she had said to them - the EXACT same lies sometimes - word for word - but used at a different date!!! Is this a symptom of bi-polar??? It has recently been suggested that bi-polar is what she has. She does self-harm and claims to "hate" herself. But maybe that is a lie too.....She doesn't even seem too fazed to be caught in a lie......Someone??? Bi-polar??? Or something else???

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GAH, I am so sick of the "omg I have bi-polar" thing...

People who havnt been diagnosed are all "I have bi-polar, look, I disply symptoms"... just becuase someone is irrational, it doesnt mean they have the illness, it just means they are immature.


(obviously not directed at those unfortunate enough to actually suffer from it tho -hug-)

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I agree with that sentiment.

My brother has been diagnosed BP many times, and it's serious stuff.

Too many folks self-diagnose as a parlor game.


I also empathize with true sufferers.

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GAH, I am so sick of the "omg I have bi-polar" thing...

People who havnt been diagnosed are all "I have bi-polar, look, I disply symptoms"... just becuase someone is irrational, it doesnt mean they have the illness, it just means they are immature.


(obviously not directed at those unfortunate enough to actually suffer from it tho -hug-)


Jeez, you're not wrong. I'm so tired of everyone having their own personalized psychological illness. I know they exist, but not everyone has to have one.

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It doesnt make you "cooler" or "harder"... it makes things painfull and difficult...


I knew a girl who wanted to be all "woe-is-me" so she drank until she was an alcoholic... she made herself an addict on PURPOSE!! and people try to tell me she's smart... gah

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Lier's are ppl who lack good character and strength to face life and it's challenges head on. They live in a fantasy in their own head and want others to believe they're someone they're not.

That sounds like a perfect description, thanks Dr. DYT.

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I've got a good memory and I listen - I usually take in what is said and can recall WAY down the track. I always wondered what she really wanted from me because she would tell me all the usual "love" things and I'd catch her out on what she actually did. Kinda got the feeling that she was just "toying" with me. Actions didn't fit the words - sometimes they did though, which is just confusing. Funny thing she said to me when I broke it off was:


"I knew you'd always get your revenge.." What the hell is that? Does that show the true person within???

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She was always thinking if someone was trying to "pull one over on me" Like, my brother in - law was trying to help me out with getting a better job she said: "maybe he's just trying to get into your good books" (I was thinking no - I've helped him out plenty in the past)


Also she tried to turn me against my sister(maybe) - only sublty - by saying "you go to see her all the time" (I hadn't seen her in 3 weeks) she then said "I just don't want to see you being used" She didn't like my sis - only met her once, but she knew that my sis knew about the cheating/lies. Lol, this can't be bi-polar like the psych said - this is the true person within.

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Yeh - she had a few scams going on. She had managed to get some guy to sell her pot for her - he also looked after the plants - he just came around once a fortnight to drop off the money.


She was leading another guy on by flirting with him (this what she said) so he would come to her to buy pot. He actually wanted to be with her - and knew she had a boyfriend and wanted to buy pressies for her blah blah, she was happy to string him along though. I ended that. But when it all boils down - even though I really like her folks and kid - I just don't like her anymore.

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I agree with that sentiment.

My brother has been diagnosed BP many times, and it's serious stuff.

Too many folks self-diagnose as a parlor game.


I also empathize with true sufferers.


My father has been bi-polar and suffered from depression for 55 years. He managed to have a successful career and profession, has been married to our mother for 51 years and from what I know and believe he is an honest man of integrity and character with a horrific disability. Luckily, he was fine from 1989-2005 but then it hit again. Like some others, I cannot stand the throwing around of terms like depression and bi-polar.


Thank goodness I don't have those illnessses but growing up in a household with him let me tell you it is nothing like "oh I feel depressed" or "oh I'm hyper today." And those who do suffer from mild depression you are lucky that at least the stigma is almost nonexistent. In the early 1970s when my mother had two small children she couldn't turn to anyone for support because she didn't want people to know why he was in the hospital again. You can only talk about the "bad headaches" that require hospitalization so much.

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Yeh - she had a few scams going on. She had managed to get some guy to sell her pot for her - he also looked after the plants - he just came around once a fortnight to drop off the money.


She was leading another guy on by flirting with him (this what she said) so he would come to her to buy pot. He actually wanted to be with her - and knew she had a boyfriend and wanted to buy pressies for her blah blah, she was happy to string him along though. I ended that. But when it all boils down - even though I really like her folks and kid - I just don't like her anymore.




this makes me sick...

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It doesnt make you "cooler" or "harder"... it makes things painfull and difficult...


I knew a girl who wanted to be all "woe-is-me" so she drank until she was an alcoholic... she made herself an addict on PURPOSE!! and people try to tell me she's smart... gah"


Eva/Gina - Tell me more about this person that you mentioned above.....

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I dunno. Sounds like they were related though. My ex was an alcoholic. But you see....I've never come accross someone that had soooooooo many things wrong with her and knowing that she is a liar and dedicated manipulator (becoz of the kind of lies) I wonder if she actually became one by choice.


Do you really think the person you know became one by choice???

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