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My cat. is dying.


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We took my cat to the vet. apparently, after some blood tests, he has some form of problem with his stomach.


The vet seemed useless though.

But she said we shouldn't do nothing, because he is probably in pain.


He seems like hes not well, but im not so sure he and i want him to be put down.


i need help.

my last cat died of cancer last year, and that was very sad. we had him put down.


any comments much appreciated.

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Hi There,


I am so sorry to hear about your cat.


I love my cat like a child, and I would be devestated if anything happened to him.


How old is your cat? And what did the vet say was wrong with him?


Any chance your family would take him to get a second opinion elsewhere?


What sort of symptoms is he having?

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Did the vet say exactly what the stomach problem was? If not I would ask what this issue supposedly is that's going on?I


You might want to seek a second opinion from another vet. That way you will have had at least two professional opinions about the health of your cat.


I understand how you feel about your cat. I am a cat lover and have five of them. I would be horrified to have to put one of them down. I have had to do it in the past, but it was only after checking every option possible.


I hope the best for your cat and hope he can get well.

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I'm so sorry this has happened to your cat. I used to work at a vet's office and I had to deal with this sort of thing all the time. It's truly heartbreaking for the pet owners.


What you and your family need to do is assess your cat's current condition. If he is really painful and can't feed or go to the toilet himself, then I would recommend having him put to sleep. If he still has some life in him and seems happy most of the time, then I'd let him stay a little longer. It's a very difficult decision to make, but you should do what is right for your cat.

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He hasn't been eating for 5-6 days now. He is also relatively old, I am guessing about 12.


Mum believes the vet said something about the liver is breaking down.


I would like to get a second opinion, but he does look like he is very warn down, and he is rather old/somewhat fat, and a second opinion costs more money.


The vet said he'd live for two more weeks if we did nothing, but she said we should be doing something.



Hmm. i dunno. its hard.

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hi there.


i know it is hard to accept, but you may be doing your mog a favour. vets have to train for over 5 years and they are very experienced- if they predicted his life was that much in danger, they are probably right.

liver/kidney failure is a common affliction in older cats, and probably a very painful one.

think hard about what you want to do, but if your cat is in obvious distress you may want to put him to sleep. remember that 12 cat years is ~84 human years, so he's not a baby still.

i have been through this myself so i feel for you.

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Have you decided what to do about your cat yet.? Are they giving him any pain killers or something to keep him comfortable.? I am very sorry that your cat is ill. I had a cat that lived to be 14 and he was having significant health issues at that time.


Your cat, in human years would actually be about 64 years old. They don't age 7 years for each year of their age. Your cat would definitely be to the age of having significant health issues if compared to human years. See the info below from this website.


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Below is an excerpt from the site ^ .


So, how old is my cat in human years?

There has been a study done on the metabolic rates of cats at various ages compared to humans, and the old ‘seven years to a human year’ is way too simplistic. In fact, you’ve probably noticed how kittens grow out of their dependent period much quicker than children, so a 1-year-old cat equates to a 15-year-old human, and a 2-year-old cat to a 24-year-old. After that, one cat year equals 4 human years, then once the cat gets to 13, its metabolism slows down even more, so that 1 year equals only 3 human years. So an 8.5-year-old cat is the same ‘age’ as a 50-year-old human – and how many humans think of themselves as at old at 50 these days?


However, it is worth taking extra care of your feline friend from around 8 years of age, as subtle changes can be flags for early, treatable problems. Between the ages of 3 and 8 most cats are low maintenance. After that, a little consideration goes a long way!

Cat Aging Chart


1 year = 15 human years

2 years = 24 human years

3 years = 28 human years

4 years = 32 human years

5 years = 36 human years

6 years = 40 human years

7 years = 44 human years

8 years = 48 human years

9 years = 52 human years

10 years = 56 human years

11 years = 60 human years

12 years = 64 human years

13 years = 67 human years

14 years = 70 human years

15 years = 73 human years

16 years = 76 human years

17 years = 79 human years

18 years = 82 human years

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He hasn't been eating for 5-6 days now. He is also relatively old, I am guessing about 12.


Mum believes the vet said something about the liver is breaking down.


I would like to get a second opinion, but he does look like he is very warn down, and he is rather old/somewhat fat, and a second opinion costs more money.


The vet said he'd live for two more weeks if we did nothing, but she said we should be doing something.



Hmm. i dunno. its hard.


I worked as a vet tech for years before becoming a nurse, so I am pretty familiar with cats and how they age. 12 years old really isn't that old for a cat. Many live to be 18, 19, and even into their 20's. My cat is 12 years old and is very active and does not act like a 'senior' at all.


That being said, it's a personal choice whether or not you have the money to take him for a second opinion, but without even a definitive diagnosis, it's hard to say what your next move should be.


Can you call the vet and find out exactly was was said? It sounds as though your mom isn't even sure what they said, and here without a full picture she may be making a life or death decision for your kitty.

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we went to another vet and stuff.. he gave him an antibiotic injection, and now we have antibiotic tablets for him, special vitamin food that we're feeding him using a syringe, and special milk.


There is a chance he could get better, but we could just be unnecessarily distressing him. (he's not particularly fond of being moved from a hiding spot, then fed)


I dunno what we should do..,

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Don't feel guilty for trying to save your pet! Maybe he doesnt like moving or procedure is painful, but if you just let go it would be even worse.

You should keep the cat safe, loved, with all the necesary medicines.

Animals have better abilities for healing then us humans!

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