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A medical question

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I think my toe is infected because under the nail has turned purple and the skin around the bottom and side of my nail is purple/black/red, a bit swollen and I can feel that there's fluid under there. And also, it freaking hurts!


I tried sticking a hot needle into the swollen area to relieve some of the pressure and some fluid did come out but it's swollen up again now and is the same colour and still really hurts to the point that it's making me limp.


Does anyone have any advice on what to do? I'd rather not have to go the doc for just a toe so any ideas would be good.



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Hi Danny,


Sorry, you may not like my advice, but you really should go to the doctor and get that checked out. We are not doctors here and cannot diagnose nor give you reliable advice on what to do about something that clearly should be looked at by a doctor.

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It's painful enough to cause you a limp, and it's full of fluid and discolored. That is not trivial, it needs the attention of a doctor.


I would call and make an appointment as soon as possible if I were you.

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Sounds like you smashed it, the purple is probably bruising. Did you drop anything on it lately?


If the fluid that came out was clear or blood, it's probably not infected, if the stuff that came out was white or opaque, its likely to be infected.


Take some ibuprofen and elevate your foot. If the swelling doesn't get better, you should go to the doctor.


If you have any red streaks on your foot or leg its likely to be infected and you should see a doctor.


PS: Do not lance a wound (stick a needle in it) unless your doctor has told you too. You can cause yourself more harm than good and introduce infection to a clean wound (no puncture or broken skin)

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It would be really nice if you could see a doctor before Thursday. It definitely needs to be checked , even if it is " Just a toe ". There could be some really nasty bacteria growing in there. I had a friend several years ago that had an infected toe and allowed it to go too long before seeking medical advice.


She ended up with a staph infection AND Pseudomona bacteria. It was a really nasty infection. So I would suggest not even waiting a day longer to see a Dr. As Ren suggested maybe you go to an Urgent Care type clinic that is usually open several hours after most people get off from work.

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You'll be pleased to know that I was forced to go to A&E today by my co workers. I had a ring block or something done and they cut my toe open to relieve the pressure and then dressed it. And now I've been sent home. Thanks very much to you all for all the advice you gave me.

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