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How in love are you!!??


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Hey, I just felt like I need a space to express how much I love my boyfriend.

I feel like I want everyone to know how great he is, and how happy we are!


Sorry if this is silly and random, but don't you ever feel like you just want to tell somebody (who's not your partner) how just so amazing and brilliant he/she is? AA!



It all the little things I indulge in. We talk for hours on the phone everynight, talking about dreams, and all his little creative ideas (it's so cool having an artist for a boyfriend, I'm quite often his life model )


We talk about how beautiful the world is, and he'd manage to work "You're even more beautiful" into the conversation.

We'd just talk about how much we love each other.


We've been through so many tough times, and making up with him is such a good feeling.. just feeling him hug me really tightly makes me realise that losing him would be the most devastating thing that could ever happen to me.


I love him so much. When we sleep together we don't let go of each other all night; I'd fall asleep with his head on my shoulder and his arms 'round me, and wake up like that. It's actually the happiest feeling I've ever had.


In fact, I remember once, I was lying with him on the grass in the summer. It was the first few times he told me he loved me.

He started to cry, out of happiness though.. It was the most moving thing ever. He just poured his big heart out to me and started saying this amazing stuff, It was truly overwhelming.. he loves me so much and I've never been so thankful.


I have loved before, but I've never had someone care so much about me.


I could go on and on...







Anyway... anyone else? I don't care if this doesn't get any replies... but I'm interested in what everyone has to say.

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Haha yeah I know exactly how you feel

Everytime I try to explain or write a post I feel like a little kid lol because everything is so pure and... right. That, and the fact that people tend to be so negative when you show them something amazing


It is a very stange feeling to be held by someone and it feels like the world would be just a little less if it wasn't him that was holding you

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thats good that you have found that person that is right for you. I was there at some point in my life i am friends with this boy at this time but befor we were together and it was nice u rought back a time that my bf told me that he loved me. it was the happiest moment of my life i still luv this guy and we r still friends

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He keeps me in check. He doesnt let me pretend this is a fairy tale romance and we will live happily ever after... he lets me know that we work hard for our happiness but that the results are well worth the efforts, ten times over.


Sometimes I think he can read my mind.

This morning we jumped into the shower together, I got out to let him turn the water up to BLISTERING hot... got dressed, did my make up, etc etc, he came into his bedroom behind me and when I turned around he was standing there ready to receive my hug, despite being dripping wet...

He said plainly "you have been waiting for this since you got out of the shower" "waiting for what?" "for me to hold you"...


and I had been, I didnt even realise it but I had been all antsy, waiting for him.


Its worth missing the train being late for work to spend an extra ten minutes in bed with him, even if he is telling me to get up...

Its worth getting up early to make him breakfast in bed to see him wake up happy (hes not a morning person)

Its worth facing his parents after a night of VERY LOUD sex at his house, to make sex more enjoyable for him...


and he doesnt ask for a single thing.

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I just absolutely love the invincible feeling I have right now. Just thinking about it gets me all choked up, because I have never experienced reciprocal love like this before, and I am so proud and honored to have him in my life, sharing my world. We learn day by day, more about each other, and we've had some less than great times, but it only strengthens our bond. He is the optimist, and keeps me more focused on the good, and is always making me laugh. I take life too seriously sometimes, and he helps me to relax and unwind, while i remind him to keep moving. Things aren't perfect, perfect doesn't exist, but it's perfect for me, and I know I will marry him someday, and we may just have a chance at forever. It's a very soothing thought, to know that you're not all alone in this world.

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LOL! I know!! But, it does take work, it's not like some magic spell, and, I had to go through hell to find him. Totally worth it though.



So many people dont understand that... its not easy... its not automatic... you have to swallow your pride a lot, fight against any bad habits you may have...


totally worth it tho.

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Oh party time I love this thread


It reminds me of most of the things I love and adore about the man I love and adore! He's so great, and understands me on so many levels. We're strange people, in our thoughts. Not bad strange, but a really unique combination of traits (we share this unique combination, for the most part) that I'm sure it'd be hard to find a match anywhere near the one we have now.


We think a lot alike, our morals are along the same lines, as well as our opinions. But we also take time for one another and we adjust to one another... it's not like we perfectly fit. We sometimes have to swallow our words/actions and make ourselves fit.


He gets me. And even when I get a little psycho, he doesn't ignore me. He brings me back to normalcy and works with me through the little kinks in my personality (i reciprocate, btw... I make him a human being with like... feelings and everything)


I'm so completely in love with him (and he's in love with me too... I'm reminded daily of it). He holds me close at night, he rubs my face really gently with his hand when I fall asleep in his lap while watching tv on the couch (and drooling, I might add). And then denies knowing I drool such a bad liar.


He kisses me passionately, and when he carries me off to bed, it's the most amazing feeling.


One of my favorite feelings is when, unexpectedly, he slowly inches his hand toward mine and gently locks his fingers with my fingers for really no reason at all. Just out of the blue. It's the little affectionate things that really let me know he loves me, wants to keep loving me, and that I truly am the luckiest.

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People. I have just returned from the best weekend ever;

my boyfriend asked me to marry him. Saturday morning, outside on a little patch of grass with some tree carvings, we sat on them and we could see his old house.. it was such a gorgeous sunrise too



I don't know if I'm too young or not.. I don't care, I feel ready, I've made mistakes with other relationships, I've had my fair share of immaturity and messing around and I've had my fairshare of heartbreaks. I know it must be time for this and I feel ready. We're definitely going to uni together this year. So he decided to promise to stick with me through uni and life beyond that.


He asked me on the same place we kissed for the first time, which has been over a year, so I've not been there for ages. It felt so good going back, and then he just asked me, and he gave me a ring that he made himself.


Oh god, I love this guy so much.


I love how after so long,when he hugs me, and puts his cheek against mine, it still feels brand new and I'll never get tired of all these little things. It's weird that I'm actually going to be with him forever. I still get butterflies thinking about him, and all the little thngs that bother me are now gone... I just want to make him happy... I can't describe what I'm feeling right now.






I love everything.

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One of my favorite feelings is when, unexpectedly, he slowly inches his hand toward mine and gently locks his fingers with my fingers for really no reason at all. Just out of the blue. It's the little affectionate things that really let me know he loves me, wants to keep loving me, and that I truly am the luckiest.


I love that

I love that we can be watching scifi and he will be completely engrossed in the story, but he will be abscent mindedly kissing my arms and shoulders

I love that he reaches out for me in his sleep, that he senses when I wake up in the morning, even if he is asleep himself, and he'll weave his fingers through mine, pull me close and kiss my head and neck.

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