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is it bad to be in a relationship that involves alot of sex?


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hi, ok i asking this because i'm in a ldr and whenever my boyfriend comes to see me we end up having alot of sex. usually we go to his place he tells me how beatiful i am and we don't even talk for like 10 minutes and we end up in the bedroom. we do others things besides having alot of sex. but sometimes i think he might only be using me for sex. so how can i really tell?

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Sex is a way of really quickly bridging the distance. It is the ulitmate expression of "I missed you sooooo much".

Enjoy it - I'd worry if you got together after not seeing each other for X amount of time and you didn't have sex.

LDR are funny that way. Torture when you are away, bliss when together, rinse, repeat.

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Why do you think he's using you for sex? I suppose what I'm trying to say is - do you feel happy in the relationship? Valued? Is he reliable? Do you feel you communicate well?


I think a healthy sex life is absolutely terrific - it's fantastic and huge congratulations. But I wonder what makes you think this is a 'bad' thing? I suppose only you can tell how the relationship makes you feel generally, whether it's supportive and comforting as well as excellent physically.

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I have to agree, enjoy it, when you spend time apart from the person you love is natural that you would want to be as close as you can when you are together. The only way I would worry is if maybe when you are not together you dont talk , you cant get ahold of him or something like that.


If communication is good when you dont see each other, I see no problem. So in that note, How is your relationship when you are apart?

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I have to agree, enjoy it, when you spend time apart from the person you love is natural that you would want to be as close as you can when you are together. The only way I would worry is if maybe when you are not together you dont talk , you cant get ahold of him or something like that.


If communication is good when you dont see each other, I see no problem. So in that note, How is your relationship when you are apart?


I agree.....my b/f and I aren't exactly "long distance" but we do live 40 mins apart, and both work 2 jobs so we really only see each other on tuesday nights and he stays with me on Satuday nights. But we have A LOT of sex just about every time we're together. But we also have a lot of communication. If you're happy and he's filling your other needs, just enjoy it.

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If you are feeling uneasy about it you should either talk to your boyfriend about it or see what his reaction would be to not having sex right away when you two see each other. My LDR is just like that (ending up in bed like 5 min. after he gets here) but one time we didnt have sex right away and my BF didnt get mad or annoyed or anything, and that kinda reinforced the fact that our relationship is based on more than just our great sex life. I feel comfortable having alot of sex and right away when we see each other, and that comfort feeling is the best evidence that my BF isnt using me!

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