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SquareWheel progress report followup


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Okay, just a little follow-up to my last progress report.


Nothing as exciting as last weekend, but I did get another HI on the River Walk, from a very attractive young woman sitting on a bench outside a public bathroom when I stopped to unburden myself. Wow, the River Walk is a surprisingly friendly place!


Having lightened my load, I started back. As I approached Uptown, in the semidarkness ahead I saw what looked like a very wide four-legged person standing in the middle of the bicycle trail. Hmmm... I was puzzled, until I got closer and realized it was actually two people standing so close together there was no gap between them.


I got closer and realized that they were actually standing in the middle of the bicycle trail, hugging and kissing! Actually making out! Yikes! I'd heard rumors about people doing that, but I'd always doubted there was anything to them.


But there it was, happening right in front of me, big as life. They were stuck together face to face, and the male one was actually reaching around and putting his hand on the girl's bottom. Blatantly touching her posterior! And she was letting him do it! I was amazed.


Wow... I mean, fantasizing is one thing, but it boggles my mind to contemplate what it must feel like to do it in real life. God life is good for some people.




And... there's also an update on my online project, my long-delayed quest for that one first woman to release me from my virginity. I've tried conventional dating sites with no luck. Having been a shy introvert for so many years, I don't know if I'm relationship material, but I still hope to try someday.


So I've recently been using Adult Friend Finder, which is an adult dating website where people advertise expressly (and explicitly) for intimate encounters. I've been openly marketing myself as an adult virgin, and I've e-mailed well over 200 women so far.


In the past few months, I've corresponded with several women who seemed interested, but with one exception, they've all fizzled. I did actually meet one woman for dinner, but we were mutually unimpressed.


I've now decided that the women who corresponded with me did so only because they were intrigued. That surprised me, because I'd always believed there'd be plenty of women who'd enjoy having a clean, untouched male without having to resort to cradle-robbing. Or that maybe there'd be a little devil out there somewhere who'd get a kick out of introducing an unsullied country boy to the worldly vices.


I haven't given up believing that, but I now suspect most of the women who got my e-mails either didn't believe me (why would they'd think I'd make up such a thing?), or thought there must be something wrong with me. (One woman actually e-mailed me and said, "If you're a virgin, I'm Mother Teresa, and she's dead!")


So... with great reluctance, I've decided to stop promoting myself as a virgin.


I'm a bit sad about that, because I felt great about being totally open and honest about my special situation, and I'd really, really been hoping to have my first time with a nice woman who understood, and was willing to be a virgin guy's first. I have a need to be understood that compels me to be more open about myself than a person probably ought to be. I guess I should really try to get over that.


Oh, well... that's my progress to date. Stay tuned for the next exciting installment.

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I think those adultfriendfinder sites are a rip off so don't spend money on those sites. I think an adult virgin woman might have a better chance getting laid from that site.

Your day will come so Hang in there,from your biggest fan.Go square go!!!.

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I would like to say that being celibate isn't that bad. I'm a virgin still and think that, hey, life is life (remember the song by Opus?).


I'm content being a virgin and having some female friends that go out with me now and then, and have no complaints. My dad talked me out of adultfriendfinder. You really want to hook up with a person who may have lots of diseases who is sleeping with everyone? Think about it. Or do you want a respectable decent girl? You are selling yourself short, it's a bad idea, go after quality women - you may as well go for the gold one time, since you aren't having any luck with the bronze.

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I would like to say that being celibate isn't that bad. I'm a virgin still and think that, hey, life is life (remember the song by Opus?).


I'm content being a virgin and having some female friends that go out with me now and then, and have no complaints. My dad talked me out of adultfriendfinder. You really want to hook up with a person who may have lots of diseases who is sleeping with everyone? Think about it. Or do you want a respectable decent girl? You are selling yourself short, it's a bad idea, go after quality women - you may as well go for the gold one time, since you aren't having any luck with the bronze.


Very good point bro

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Thanks to everyone who replied.


And my experience on AFF hasn't been as disappointing as it may sound; if nothing else, I've confirmed that at least some of the profiles are positively genuine. (There are persistent rumors that they're all phony, and some certainly are come-ons from escorts and other sites, but I've proven that you can definitely meet real women there too.)


So that's something in itself.


Now I know that success is just a matter of sending the right introduction to the right woman. I've just taken some new photos sporting my snazzy new goatee, and I'm going to step back for a while and re-write my profile blurb and intro e-mail from a very different POV with no mention of the V-word.


Now I think about it, my resume did land me one interview, and if she'd been a little more appealing and hadn't been put off by the 16 inch height difference, I'd have finally found the experience that I so deeply desire. After all, she was very open about enjoying intimacy and she was surprisingly (and a little titillatingly) open about it.


So I'm not really as discouraged as I may have sounded; the glass is at least partly full.


And Luke, yes, I'll want a decent, respectable girl, in time. At least... I think I will. Having been a shy introvert all my life, I can't say for sure that I'm relationship material. There are some things you just never know until you're in that situation. Anyway, first I want to taste a little of the freewheeling adventurism that most people seem to get in their youth. Although, more experienced people have joked that I'll probably fall insanely in love with the first woman who leads me to her bed, and they may be right.


Only time will tell. And in the meantime, I can fantasize about standing in the middle of the bicycle trail on the River Walk...

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If I were you, I'd go to Cancun, Mexico, the Dominican Republics in one of these seduction seminars link removed - look it up and look for the next date/time these seminars are going to be on.


In the worst case scenerio, you just have a fun vacation somewhere in the Caribbean. In the best case scenerio, you learn some things about picking up and seducing women (with a lower level of difficulty than where you are) and once you get confident you can practise it up here. Or find some pick-up artist that can give you one-and-one personal coaching.


I'm just saying, if I were in your position, and that is what I really wanted, then that is what I would do if I didn't go with an escort.


But why? It will just turn you into a sex addict. You just want to build a family right? Lots of players might get the girls, and win the battles, but they lose the war - they dont settle down because they are too greedy and pass some decent girls out.


You are not going to find a decent girl in adultfriendfinder. Give it up and look at normal dating sites, or try to get coaching/seminars that could help you in a one-to-one basis. It's an investment in yourself, and comparative in cost to an escort, but much cheaper in the long-run.

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How many women have you met offline from AFF?I never hear men meet alot of women off of that site maybe 1-2 women max


If you read his post, he said he meet one woman for dinner and they were mutually impressed. He apperas to have put allot of effort in, sending mails to 200 people, and spending the highest Gold Membership over a protracted period of time to get this one date from his other posts since December on the Sex and Romance section.


I tried Silver Membership when I was on because I figured Silver has the basic requirements to send emails, and if Silver doesn't work, then Gold probably wont work either so I stook with Silver for a month. I could have meet up to four people in that month if I aggressively and unwaveringly pursued all my prospects.

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Yep, Quietgrl, I did meet one woman from AFF and we had dinner to check each other out. But we didin't feel like a good fit.


She was very short, just under 5 feet. I'm six-foot-three, so there was a big difference in size, and she was a little uncomfortable about getting intimate with a guy so much bigger than herself. I was a little creeped out by her childlike appearance (she was around 40).


But as I say, this definitely proves that despite the rumors of bogus profiles, you can can meet real people on AFF. And one of my ICQ chat friends, a woman in Florida who is very involved in the adult entertainment industry, has told me one of her male friends has gotten laid with several women from that site.


Hahaha! Ghost69, nope, dinner is hardly the purpose of AFF. But even the fairly liberated women who advertise openly for sex won't generally want to jump in bed on the first meeting, and I'd certainly want to check her out a little myself. You can only tell so much from a photo, after all. And AFF isn't about dating, it's not your regular dating site.


Anyway, I'm disappointed that no women really wanted to seize the rare opportunity to have a real 40+ virgin, but I'm still excited about taking a new direction.


I've also gotten into PM/e-mail correspondence with a couple of very nice women from other forums, but no romance so far. Oh, well... I have a new idea in the works for meeting women off-line. I'll post a really excited progress report if it gets me anywhere.


Stay tuned, folks...

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