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How long till I notice a real difference in body shape?

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Ok, I have just been through a really tough break up (see breaking up forum) and one thing I have tried to do in order to get through it is start going to the gym. This is something I should've done about 5 years ago but lets not worry about that now! Basically, I am overweight, I am around 5'7" and about 15.5 stone (around 97kg?). I have always been insecure about my body, although having a very attractive girlfriend for the past 4.5 years helped me with these insecurities (although at the same time gave me no motivation to sort it out!) and now she is gone my confidence has taken a hit.


Since the break up, I have almost completely cut out many of the things I used to eat too much of such as crisps, chocolate, biscuits, cookies, muffins, cakes, cheese, egg mayo (!), and other such unhealthy things. I also drink less alcohol than I used to. I have started drinking at least a litre of normal water per day, as well as having a banana most days (VERY rarely ate fruit before) instead of one of the things mentioned above. And, as I say, I have started going to the gym. Have been going twice a week but I hope to get this up to a regular thing of three times per week now that I have joined as a member. I have been doing mainly work on the treadmill, cross-trainer, and bike, as well as doing some weights too. I am also walking a lot more in life as I no longer have a car (which I used to take EVERYWHERE).


I weighed myself the last time I was at the gym and I had lost 4 pounds since I last weighed myself 2 weeks earlier. Is this good, steady progress, or should I be looking to lose more?


Also, when should I really start to notice a change in my shape and tone? I have noticed that my clothes do feel that bit looser already and I see photos of me from only 2 months ago where my face looks much 'rounder' so I guess something is happening...


Anyone with any tips and advice on this, please reply...

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I'm a bit confused here. Are you talking lbs as in 2.2 lbs to the kg or are you talking UK lbs? It seems like you've used a mishmash of everything. A good guide is around 1-2 lbs a week weight loss. 4 lbs after 2 weeks sounds about perfect. Losing any more than that will compromise your health.


What's your goal weight?

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Weight in metric and US

15.5 Stone = 98.4 kg = 217 lbs


2 lbs a week is a good pass to go. I lost about 30 lbs over a year. It takes at least 6 weeks to get a noticeable change, but for me the first thing I noticed was my pants were having trouble staying up. When you sit down and they are always trying to fall off when you get up, time to but on the belt. When your pants get so gathered with the belt then get new pants. I would shop at thrift stores or really cheap retail so that you don't waste a lot of money on in between sizes. When you get to your target weight, then take yourself on a shopping spree and get clothes for the new you.

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it's hard to answer your questions. Some people (like my bf) start going to the gym and have noticeable changes within the month. Personally, I gain weight when I go to the gym! (because it makes me hungry and i end up consuming more calories than I've burned).


So, it depends on your own body and metabolism. And it depends on what you are eating - the portion sizes, how often you eat (eating often throughout the day is best), etc.


I'm a huge advocate of losing weight slowly. My preferred strategy is too lose a bit, then take a while to adjust to the new lifestyle that goes with that new weight. Then lose a bit more, adjust.. etc. I think extreme diets and goals set you up for failure and make you more fat in the end (you lose muscle, but then gain back fat). Focus on sustainability. When you make changes to your diet, ask yourself whether you'd be willing to keep them for life (or at least for the next several years, if life seems to long!) If not, then look for other sustainable changes you can be making.


You're gonna look so hot after all of this, your gf would be begging for you to come back! haha.. ok, maybe not. But good things can come out of bad breakups and i'm glad you're turning to positive means of dealing with your pain.

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It also depends what you are doing at the gym and what you want from this. From what I can see, you have great potential to get into fighter shape 5'7" and 217 lbs! That is some great material to work with. I'm 6' and 200lbs. and I have problems getting the massive bulk (I do have bulk, it's just harder for me to get it) than someone of your height and mass. But if your goal is weight loss, then the path you are on is correct.

If you need some help organizing yourself at the gym, PM me and I'll give you a schedule that can whip you into an Olympian god (okay I'm exaggerating but you'll look buff and tough as bricks)

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I just want to add that I have been going to the gym 3-5 times a week for the past 6-7 weeks and I thought that my body hadn't changed one bit. I'm at a healthy weight already, but I wanted some improvements. I took some pictures of myself in a bikini after one week, then I took some yesterday at the exact same angle and distance. I am actually amazed at the difference. I've only lost 2 lbs but I look much more slim and toned.


If you can, take some pictures of yourself now and compare them in a few weeks. It's great motivation because it's difficult to judge the difference when it happens gradually.

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It also depends what you are doing at the gym and what you want from this. From what I can see, you have great potential to get into fighter shape 5'7" and 217 lbs! That is some great material to work with. I'm 6' and 200lbs. and I have problems getting the massive bulk (I do have bulk, it's just harder for me to get it) than someone of your height and mass. But if your goal is weight loss, then the path you are on is correct.

If you need some help organizing yourself at the gym, PM me and I'll give you a schedule that can whip you into an Olympian god (okay I'm exaggerating but you'll look buff and tough as bricks)


I think I am definitely destined to be 'stocky' anyway, but I don't mind that. So yeah, I am quite 'broad'. Firstly, I just want to try and get rid of the bulk of the fat, that is my first priority. I guess tone will probably come naturally as a result of this. I'm not overly concerned with big muscles etc, although obviously a bit of definition would be good.


By the way, I am working in UK lbs, I mention kg because the CV machines at the gym work in kg.


I just want to add that I have been going to the gym 3-5 times a week for the past 6-7 weeks and I thought that my body hadn't changed one bit. I'm at a healthy weight already, but I wanted some improvements. I took some pictures of myself in a bikini after one week, then I took some yesterday at the exact same angle and distance. I am actually amazed at the difference. I've only lost 2 lbs but I look much more slim and toned.


If you can, take some pictures of yourself now and compare them in a few weeks. It's great motivation because it's difficult to judge the difference when it happens gradually.


Yeah I guess you are right apple. As I say, I notice my clothes are a bit looser, but I look at myself and see no real difference so perhaps the photos are a good idea. I do have photos from last year on holiday and I think I have probably lost weight since then too, mainly through stress I think though, this year has sucked in a big way so far! Hopefully I remember it as the year I got in shape by the end of it!!


As for target weight, not really sure. I suppose I would like to lose 2 stones as a start, or perhaps set 14 stone as my initial target as that is achievable within maybe 3-4 months??

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Remember also Steve, that while you are working out, you develop more muscle mass, even if you can't see it right away, and muscle wieghs more than fat, so two pounds in a week is "amazing" because it's also taking into account the "muscle pounds you've probably gained" and the FAT you have lost, the best way to tell is the FACT that your clothes feel different.. that is the biggest indicator... and it's about "shape not wieght" because when you start working out your "weight" shifts to more appropriate places..., and you might not see the scale goes down as quickly as you will notices your shape is smaller in your tummy, and bigger in your chest...

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Hey try to be "happy with yourself now".. you're going through a heartbreak, yet you're taking some active steps to improve yourself, and do this for YOU.. all things fall into place once we finally start to take care of ourselves, forgive ourselves, love ourself, and to let go... these steps lead to "goodness in your life" one small step at a time, living in acceptance and truth, and actively making your life better, and it's not easy to do, it's like walking through emotional cement at times, but while you are building your body muscle, you are also healing and building your self confidence.. it will all be better than you ever imagined..

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