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People don't brush their teeth ?

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Personally, I brush my teeth in the morning right when I wake up, right after I eat breakfast, and then it depends if I'm home because if I'm leaving the house I will again, but if I'm out at school or work all day I chew Trident whitening sugarless gum, and then of course right before I go to bed.


Well at my job, and even at school, even my GIRL friends, so many people don't brush their teeth! Especially in the morning! It is SO disgusting, it makes me gag, I swear it I have gagged.


I don't know why all of a sudden I'm running into this all at once; it is not only personal hygiene but... yeah it's hygiene, you stink if you don't brush your teeth ESPECIALLY in the morning...


The thought of not brushing your teeth is so foreign to me. There's a number of customers that come in to my job, and even students at my college that have, legitimately, old lady breath. It really is so foreign to me. People not showering every day, which I do shower EVERY day, now that is not so foreign. But the teeth brushing, particularly with the morning breath/old lady breath, no offense, is absolutely so foreign. I don't know who to tell this to, just kind of saying... I'm really surprised! Throughout the day I can understand, but morning breath... I can't understand that.



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Even I am more than likely going to be buying a little travel toothbrush and toothpaste for the longer days!


Seriously, especially at work when I'm helping a customer for even just a few minutes... I can only hold my breath for so long. And I feel bad for saying that, but... I don't know. My girlfriends though I am so surprised; I just noticed that this semester.

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That's GROSS if people don't brush their teeth in the morning. Dont you have that icky morning breath and that icky film on your teeth that you just want to GET RID OF. I dont think i could ever go without brushing my teeth in the morning, because of the ICK factor and because I would be too self-conscious that I had bad breath.


People are strange.

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I brush my teeth every morning when I wake up and before I go to bed. If I'm going out clubbing or to a party or something like that, I always brush before I leave.


I don't understand either. It really is gross to think that a lot of people don't do it. It's just sort of a routine for me I guess and I care about my hygiene. Some people don't.

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my friend doesn't shower everyday. I don't know if he's changed now, but he used to smell and it was really bad and noticeable. People who don't brush their teeth, yeah that's bad. I mean I'm not a 3 times a day brusher, but I atleast brush my teeth. I chew gum a lot tho

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My boyfriend doesn't brush his teeth that often but amazingly his breath doesnt smell and he's got all his own teeth! I've caught him picking at them tonight which I found a bit disgusting, he showers a lot and is generally clean. Not asked him why, feel it's too personal.


Has anyone tried chewable toothbrushes - gross!!

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I've done work in the dental field, and it CAN be gross when someone isn't brushing. One of the worst things that can happen is serious ILLNESS from an abscess or disease. someone can DIE from that if left untreated. It poisons the whole body! And...people don't realize how important it is to FLOSS!!! Flossing prevents decay in between the teeth. A toothbrush just can't reach down in between the teeth and under the gum line, people! Ewwww!!!

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what a funny thread. i honestly don't notice that people haven't brushed their teeth. but the thought of someone not brushing creeps me out. i don't understand how someone can leave the house without brushing. my boyfriend never flosses and I always tell him he should but he says that they blee when he flosses them (which, of course, happens because he doesn't floss and has gingivitis). Thankfully he doesn't have bad breath. But I made him a dental appointment and the dentist told him exactly what i've been telling him. hopefully he'll start flossing, but i haven't seen any change yet.


oh, and my dentist gave us free toothbrushes - the vitality oral B. They are so awesome. My teeth feel polished every time i brush. And they have a timer to tell you when 2 minutes is finished. brushing has never been so exciting! lol

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I think whats more disgusting is when someone wants to get in my bubble to talk to me. If I can smell your breath....YOUR TOO CLOSE!


Also, I don't think ppl realize the importance of flossing. You can brush your teeth...thats great. But floss to get that junk out of your teeth.


Brush the tongue too...that holds a lot of nasty stuff...lol

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