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Is he trying to tell me that the internship is definitely over?

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Hey guys,


I've started a few threads about an internship I've been in for over a year now. Although the pay is good and the people are nice, I was debating whether I should stay or leave because I didn't want to spend the rest of the year doing the same things. I mentioned how I felt that staying in this company would limit me to doing the routine stuff I've been doing since month one. A few weeks ago I asked the director I worked with if it was possible to move me to another desired area within the company, but it never materialized.


Anyhow, on Thursday, I went into the VP's office to say hello before leaving and he asked me if I could stay a few minutes. It turns out that 14 months and 2 internship extensions later, Human Resources said that I've reached the limit as being able to maintain "part-time/intern" status within the company. The VP said they're delighted with me and would offer me a full-time job, but since I don't graduate until December, they obviously can't do that. Thus, it looks like my internship may finally be over.


I am aware that most internships only last 3-6 months, so I've been lucky to have been with the company this long. He added this: "I will try to do what I can to extend it but I'm not promising anything." He then gave me his business card, stated that I could use him as a reference and for reference letters at anytime, and that he wanted me to work with another recent full-time hire in the next few days in explaining my responsibilities to her. I think these tidbits were subtle indicators that he was trying to say it's over, but he didn't want to be too upfront about it. He also stated to stop by his office on Monday for his official word on all this.


Why didn't he just say it's over already once and for all? I think he didn't because he wanted to let the cat out of the bag very slowly and subtly. That way I've absorbed it by Monday and it isn't as much of a shocker. Do you agree? (He also stated that he wants to keep the lines of communication open once I graduate).


Regardless, I was already planning on leaving the company this year. I think this is a favorable outcome, because at least now I won't feel bad about leaving and regretting it later on. Instead my departure will take place because of the finality of the internship.


I'm going to miss the benefits that this company provided (good pay and reputation/close to home), but I think I'm craving a new learning experience. After being in this rather large company for a good amount of time, I think it's going to look good on my resume and will give me the leeway to command a good hourly rate. I will not settle for less now, and once I find a new internship I will have two on my resume prior to graduating college.


After my ex-supervisor and the woman who trained me left the client team I work with last summer (ex-supervisor left company/trainer went to a different account within the company), I never enjoyed working here as much anymore. The team took on a drastically new look (with 3 new people that eventually came in) and unfortunately I was unable to forge a strong connection with any of them as I did with the two others. Thus I seemed to lack a mentor; none of the directors I worked with seemed willing (or available) to take responsibility for me and supervise what I was doing. I guess they trusted me enough not to supervise me but honestly I felt like a lone wolf on occasion.


All good things must come to an end and I think it's time to move on.


Do you guys agree with my points? Although he said he would tell me definitely on Monday whether the internship is over, based on his actions, do you infer that he tried to tell me subtly that it already is?



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Yeah, I think he was giving you the informal heads-up that the internship is coming to an end, although he's going to try and see if there is something he can do. You showing someone new the ropes is another sign!


I think he was being nice, to give you a bit of notice, and also to say that he really hopes they can find a way to keep you on. But not to be too surprised/disappointed if he can't.


Good that you've enjoyed it and learned a lot - I'm sure that it will stand you in good stead in your future career.

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yes, i think he is trying to be diplomatic and give you a heads up that it is time for you to look elsewhere.


it is very common when new people come in that they want their own team, where they have selected their own choices to fill roles. so you can be doing a great job, but the new managers in your grup just want to put a stamp on their own organization by choosing who they want working under them, rather than 'inheriting' someone from the prior team.


so i wouldn't take it personally, just something that happens in the workplace pretty frequently (and will most likely happen again in your career).


so take advantage of his offer to give you a good reference, and go find a new opportunity! best of luck!

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