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carpal tunnel


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I'm not sure if anyone can really help me. I have a feeling this is just something i'm going to have to deal with for the next month or so until my present arrives. But maybe someone has a suggestion:


so when I sleep i can't sleep on my back or stomach (obviously). So I lay on my left side for about 1/2 hour. then my arm goes numb and i roll over to the right side. It goes numb.. back and forth all night. needless to say, i don't get into a deep sleep. then my hands are aching when i wake up from being numb all night.


Regardless of whether i sleep with my arm up, in front, or behind me, the one on the bottom goes numb. i guess thats due to swelling. a workmate suggested sleeping sitting up. yeah, like that's going to happen. any better ideas? I'm almost ready to handcuff myself to the bedframe!

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I do the same thing, because i feel like i can't breathe when i sleep on my back or my stomach, so ill sleep on my side, but then my arm goes numb so i will have to switch contstantly. I never get any sleep because im up constantly tossing and turning.


I kind of prop up my pillows a little bit and put my hands under them so they're ina position where a lot of weight is not forced upon them. But this stinks a lottt.

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If you have money buy a madrass (is that the word?) made from latex or foam. Search the net a little bit. They adapt to your body, but are not too soft. And when you get up they come back into its natural shape.

The same is with pillows - anatomic ones made from the same material.

This is great solution not only when you're pregnant, but also after because it helps your spine.

You spend a lot of time sleeping in life so it's very important to sleep healthy.

Unfortunatelly this solution is not a cheap one.

I am planning to buy such matrass during this month. I already have the pillow. My dimensions will be 160x200 and it will cost 478 Euro. Thats medium priced matrass, medium quality. I wanted something more expencive but simply can't afford it. I am barely being able to have this one. But I need it.

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It sounds like maybe your circulation is being restricted somehow.


I use pillows too, but if I set myself up so my arm is a little higher than my heart it will go a bit numb. Maybe you could set yourself up so you are partially on your side and your back.


I toss and turn also, but I always have.


CT comes from clicking the mouse button and typing etc. (repetitive motion) (Oww, I've got a bit of that too.)



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When laying on your side, A long body pillow might help. link removed


Or you could place a smaller pillow between your head and shoulder- another between your belly and the matress, and another between your knees to take the pressure off your lower back. The body pillow allows you to use one pillow for everything, However you can achieve the same support with 3 smaller pillows.

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