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Hi everyone!


I've been having trouble finding an interest in anything in college and I was wondering if yall could help me out. Any helpful links would be great, or just any advice in general!


I've heard it's harder to become motivated when you don't have a major and I was hoping finding a career path would remedy this .


Thanks guys!

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start with your favorite things, create a list freewriting of things you really enjoy, in no particular order, maybe something will come to you from that, especially if you find you repeat certain things. Also, have you tried speaking to a guidence councelor at your school? Sometime they can be helpful. What do you love to do whenever you have a free moment?


Hi everyone!


I've been having trouble finding an interest in anything in college and I was wondering if yall could help me out. Any helpful links would be great, or just any advice in general!


I've heard it's harder to become motivated when you don't have a major and I was hoping finding a career path would remedy this .


Thanks guys!

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Well that's the thing, I'm not really interested in anything. All I really enjoy doing is playing video games (typical slacker), and I don't really see any future in it. Honestly, I don't know what's wrong with me. I go to classes and do well, it's just that I don't care. The most interest I've had to date in a subject is in English, and maybe History. It's just that my grammar is kind of bad and writing papers is just not my thing. Even when I do have an interest in the subject, I'm usually only interested in a few of the teachings; the rest of it I could care less about.


I'm beginning to wonder if it's an age thing. I'm only 19 at the moment, so maybe I'm worrying too much, but I would really like to have some direction, that's all, just a little. It could be that learning is just not for me, I dunno.

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School is just more appealing for some people than others. But the point is that we don't go for fun. We go because it leads to a better life and is the best way to ensure that you'll be able to make a good, honest living for yourself and your family one day.


Try taking some different subjects that what you think you would enjoy. Maybe business or marketing. Communications. Physics. Something you never thought you could see yoruself doing. You might be surprised to find out that it's completely different from what you expected.


And even if you can't find interest in every single lecture you have to attend, you can still make attending school interesting. Build up a good social network so that you have cute girls to flirt with in class or study with in the library. It can make classes WAY more exciting! Try to challenge yourself to get better marks. Challenges are a great cure for boredom. Even if you're getting B+ in every class with no effort, demand from yourself that you get an A. Just having that goal can actually be really fun... especially when you achieve it.


When I see no point in doing the things I have to do on a day-to-day basis, I like to pretend my life is a videogame. It's completely pointless in the eend and I'm just running and hitting my head against bricks and jumping off cliffs (okay, i;m kinda stuck a couple decades back in marioland... but you get my point). It's fun to embrace the pointlessness of it all and run around collecting worthless gold coins. Kinda entertaining

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I also wanted to add it might be useful to cut back on the video games. I feel like if I'm not putting much effort into something, it's usually boring and seems useless. Once I devote more time to it, look into the subject more, start getting good grades, get more interested in the topic ... it's a snowball effect. New things will excite you! So definitely make time in your schedule for things to interest and surprise you. If you are doing things with the goal of "Let me get this done ASAP so I can go back to doing X, you tend to get less out of them".

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Definitely try and cut back on videogames. My problem during my freshman year was I'd try to rush through assignments so I could go play games. Because of this, I did really mediocre. My second semester I stopped playing them all together and I ended the semester with a 4.0.


In the end, they're pointless. Just remember that college will determine what you do for the rest of your life. Take it seriously while it's early on.


As for a major...take different classes, talk to your counselor, etc...you'll eventually find something that interests you.

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What you can actually try is using the resources at your college - they get this stuff all the time. They can help you through talking to you and diagnostic tests figure out what you're suited for, and they can also help you set up a schedule for classwork. If you're worried about the gaming, you can also make an appointment to speak to a counselor about it while you're finding out about everything else.

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Good one Batya I'll add that to my list.

Jammin James 61, have you thought of the video game industry, maybe you want to search what kind of jobs are related to that like design or in computers. Again talk to the guidence counselor or search on the web for related jobs in that field it might give you some ideas.

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i would check with your school's guidance/career office. there are several good online career tests/inventories you can take, that ask a lot of questions about your personal interests, personality, preferences, etc., then it does an analysis and comes up with a list of careers that might fit well with you.


i think lots of people get hooked on video games, but they are entertainment, and sometimes, a distraction that fills time but doesn't really get you anywhere. you also might not have motivation now because you don't have to... i.e., your life is filled with school and entertainment, and you don't have the financial obligation (pressure?) of taking a fullltime job yet.


so it is better to make it a reasoned choice soon rather than a last minute decision, so good that you are thinking about it now. also do research on what careers pay, how many jobs are available for that career, and where you would have to work to be in that career.


there are lots of decisions involved in this, but i would suggest that you research everything, including where you want to live, what money you need to make to be happy, etc.


also keep in mind that people these days have 'serial' careers, i.e., they are very likely to totally change careers 3 or 4 times in their lives, so you are not permanently locked into anything you choose, but if you choose wisely, you will not be forced to make a change becuase you hate the job, or don't make enough to support a lifestyle you want, or work too many hours int he profession, etc.

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I had the same problem, but this is what helped me. Go to your college career center, then take some tests that are about 30 minutes long. Then when the results come in you will be evaluated by a college counselor in which they will discuss your personality traits and which top jobs suit you.


Give it a try

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Also, if you're interested in the gaming industry, take a realistic look at it before deciding to go to school for game design. Most companies don't care about the new design degrees, and those who are lucky enough to break into the highly competitive field often find themselves in incredibly monotonous, low-paying jobs.

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