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Breastfeeding: I NEED ADVICE

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Yes, they probably are going to give you some anasthesia, that's usually why they request you don't eat or drink anything. It's going to be ok, hon. Let us know when you get back, if you feel up to it, how everything went. ((HUGS))

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I just got back.


They gave me a local anesthesia and drained most of it. It might be all gone, but I still feel a hard lump underneath so I don't know.


They're sending it off to have it tested to see "what's growing" in me. Ew. They said maybe nothing, since I've been on antibiotics for about 3 weeks now.


It hurts SO bad, I'm so sore. The procedure itself wasn't so terrible. The shot hurt worse than the actual draining, but now that's wearing off and it feels like it's burning and it just sucks to raise my arm at all...not surprising since I was just stuck with big fat needles.


I have to go back on Monday and they're going to have the results back, but I still have two other cysts and he said most likely I'll have to have surgery. Nothing major, just in the office kind of surgery.


I'm officially done breastfeeding. He told me I can continue if I want, but most likely this would happen again. Daniel adjusted to being on the formula already and has been doing better with his tummy aches so it's better if I just keep feeding him formula. Being able to give him 100% of myself is more important than breastfeeding anyways.


I really wish this would be over already...

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Oh, bless your heart. That must have been SO painful!!! I am so sorry you've had to go through this. It's disappointing to have to give up breastfeeding, but you did really, really well, and didn't have much of a choice. You did better than I did - I pumped exclusively for 4 months and had to give up simply because I hated it, no medical reasons involved! Don't worry - formula is good stuff.


I am absolutely amazed by your determined attitude - you're such a good mom. I just read all of these posts and saw everywhere that you basically said "This too shall pass," one of my key phrases. It sucks having to worry about ourselves when all we want to concentrate on is our child. I hope you're able to get past all this crap and just be a mom very, very soon.

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Thanks so much!! I really, really wanted to breastfeed. I loved it while I could. But this is too scary.


I just looked at where they "drained" it, and it's still huge and rock hard. I don't know what's going on. I keep thinking they aren't telling me everything. They obviously didn't drain it all. I'm getting worried.


I see where they took some out, but it's still baseball sized.


I just hope that if they have to cut it out or whatever it is they're going to do, they put me out. This really is such a terrifying experience.


They would tell me if they thought it was anything REALLY bad, right...? persistent lumps in your breasts is an unnerving thought.


I really just thought they'd just suck it all out. I'm pretty disappointed. It's not over. I know it's not. I want it to be. I tried to do everything right, I tried to tell the doctors. It's been over two weeks of this now and I still don't know what's going on.

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Okay I did some research and I'm officially petrified.


"Draining a breast abscess


Mastitis that develops into an infected pocket of fluid, or breast abscess, usually needs be drained.


A small abscess can be drained with a needle, sometimes using ultrasound to guide the needle. An injection of local anesthetic medication is used first to numb the skin over the infected breast tissue. This procedure can be done in a doctor's office.

A large abscess must be cut open (lanced) to let the pus drain out. An injection of local anesthetic medication is usually given first to numb the breast tissue. General anesthesia is usually not needed for this treatment unless the abscess is deep. After the infected area has been drained, it may be left open and packed with sterile gauze or closed with a small tube left in so the pus can drain out. This procedure may be done in a doctor's office or outpatient surgery setting. "



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Is it possible that it was drained completely, but more fluid has developed? That'd not necessarily be a bad thing (gross, certainly, but not bad), it's just your body's way of getting rid of the bad stuff.


(Preggos stop reading... now.)


I developed a hematoma (like a bruise) because of an infection behind my c-section incision. It popped open at my incision site and left something of a hole there, and likewise was oozing all kinds of sexy. I asked the doctor why it couldn't just be drained and sewn back up again, and she said that my body would continue to produce that gunky stuff to protect itself from infection and promote healing. I had to keep gauze packed in there till it healed up. The gauze packing itself wasn't so bad - I had a home nurse do it, then when I realized they were always late and wholly irritating, my husband (whom I love more than life itself) started doing it, and once, my mom. Then I got over the ick factor and started doing it myself. It's not painful, just gross.


Huge, huge hugs to you.

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Thanks so much for your support. It really does help a whole lot.


There hasn't been enough time for it to reproduce the fluid. I kinda knew in the office that he didn't take it all out. He had a big suringe (i don't know how to spell that) and it was (EW) pretty full, but not baseball size cyst full.


They didn't even do anything to my other breast, or the other abscess that's in the same breast.


It makes me feel better paisley that you went through the icky guaze crap and handled it okay. I'm so scared to see a gaping open wound in my breast and have to pack guaze into it.


My breasts were small but cute and perfect. Now they're going to be franken-breasts.


Don't be so hard on yourself Southerngirl! This really is hard work and if I had stopped when I first thought "hey, maybe it's not supposed to be like this," I wouldn't be going through all this stuff. *SIGH* Oh well.

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I think you definitely need more answers than the ones you've been given. Anytime you think of something to ask, write it down, and call Monday. Get you a big ol' list. You sound like you've got a lot of unanswered questions, and you deserve to know what the heck's wrong and what your future holds.


It does suck feeling like your body's betrayed you. I honestly felt like less of a woman... I went through a lot of crap just to get one baby, and so many women do it so easily. It's difficult to take!


The girls might go back to normal, if slightly more loose - the abcesses shouldn't change them much as far as their looks. Mine were pretty perky, now they're a little bigger and a little lower, but they're still good. They get the job done.

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I agree, I will write down everything I'm thinking of and ask them about it Monday. It just seems like they didn't know what to tell me either and that's pretty scary if I think about it.


I'm still pumping...one of my doctors told me that it's a must to continue at least until the infection is gone, but the other one looks at me and shakes his head like I'm making a stupid decision. Like I'm asking for more pain.


I guess I'm really not okay with this as much as I thought I was. I'm truly heartbroken that I can't nurse him anymore. He still nuzzles at my breast when he's hungry and I feel so sad about it.


Oh welllllllllllllllllllllllll.

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That's what I'm thinking I might do.


I think maybe since I've been through this now, I know what to do if it were to get bad again. Then I can prevent it. As long as I pump like once a day, my milk won't go away (I haven't nursed him in over a week and I still get bottles full so I know I have a lot...).


I'm just conflicted.


If I continue breastfeeding, it's really great for Daniel (allergies run in the family, mostly those who weren't breastfed), and I love bonding with him, and it's less expensive and more convenient. But am I putting my health at risk? Is that even a good idea?


Well I guess I'll see how this week goes...if it's really tramatic then I'll stop but I'm not ready to today I guess.

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I think you definitely need more answers than the ones you've been given. Anytime you think of something to ask, write it down, and call Monday. Get you a big ol' list. You sound like you've got a lot of unanswered questions, and you deserve to know what the heck's wrong and what your future holds.


I heartily second that. It is a day and age when we really have to advocate for ourselves whenever we seek medical attention.


You're going through a terribly rough tme right now, BTR, but this too shall pass. It's redundant to even say this, but you know you have our unwavering support and positive thoughts, 24/7. Hang in there, girl...it's almost over!

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BTR, HUGS - that's all I have to say. You know way more about this now than I ever did. YOWSERS!!! Keep pushing for more information. Some people say medicine is an art, but really it should be more objective than it seems to have been for you!!!

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Okay so I have yet to hear anything from the surgeon, but the day is still young.


BUT I talked to a lactation consultant at the hospital and my regular doctor and I can officially breastfeed. All the medication is out of my system so it should be safe. They both say it's best for both Daniel and I because it will help me heal as well.


I went through a breastpump already so I'm going to have to go out and buy a better one (don't settle for cheap ones, it lasted like two weeks) but I'm happy.


The lump is still there and it's all bruised and gross looking from getting prodded on Friday, but that wound healed up pretty well. I'm so optomistic.

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BUT I talked to a lactation consultant at the hospital and my regular doctor and I can officially breastfeed. All the medication is out of my system so it should be safe. They both say it's best for both Daniel and I because it will help me heal as well.


BTR, did they explain how breastfeeding again will help you heal? Obviously, I'm not a doctor, but...breastfeeding is what caused all this to begin with, and you still have some issues with your breasts. Isn't there a good chance that taking up breastfeeding could aggravate things again?

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Continuing breastfeeding is supposed to help clean things out. They don't want me to stop because then I'll get engourged...basically the reason all this started.


I still have milk, so I'd have to go through the drying up process to quit. The reason I got mastisitis is because I wasn't emptying my milk ducts properly.

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That's great news! The initial engorgement is pretty painful, I'm sorry it went so wrong for you I rented a Medela double-milking machine for $45 a month. If that sounds good to you, you could probably ask the lactation consultant who in your area rents them. When you do want to stop, do a step-down method. I did that - went from pumping 8 times a day to 6 to 4 to 2 - and I didn't get engorged.


Good luck, sweetie. I hope it's much better from here on out.

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Continuing breastfeeding is supposed to help clean things out. They don't want me to stop because then I'll get engourged...basically the reason all this started.


I still have milk, so I'd have to go through the drying up process to quit. The reason I got mastisitis is because I wasn't emptying my milk ducts properly.


Ok, that does make sense, then.

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