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Breastfeeding: I NEED ADVICE

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Okay the left side is almost completely better, thank the man upstairs. Occasionally it itches, then I pump and more of the infection comes out. There's only a tiny little mass left and it's clearing out.


BUT! On the right side, that blister thing opened up. I tried to tell them! All the puss and crap has been coming out for the past hour or so, through my skin. (Sorry, that's pretty disgusting.) I tried to tell them it was going to happen but nobody believed me. The other mass in that side (the bigger than golfball one) has started to itch so maybe it's going to drain out soon. Unfortunately I can't pump it because there's an open oozing wound in the way.


On top of that, I'm starting to break out into hives again.


I'm going to wait and see if it gets bad like last night and if it does, I'm gonna have to go back to the ER. I really hope it doesn't though, maybe it will just go away.


As horrible as it sounds at the moment, one good thing is that it WILL be over soon. My body finally has said enough is enough.

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I don't have any advice for you because I am just as confused about my prenatal breasts as you are about your breast feeding ones. But I just wanted to say that its so neat to see you being a mother. I am sorry that the battle is continuing, hopefully you can find the support you need here!

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BTR, I would go to the ER now. It sounds like you have a serious infection. Why risk it and wait? Just go.


Yeah... I wouldn't wait either. What are you waiting for? Your tongue to swell so you can't breathe and have to go in the middle of the night?


I hope you will go now and catch it before it gets that bad.



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Okay well this is SO much fun.


The left side is pretty much perfect. Yay.


The right side...well. It's still the same. The oozing pretty much stopped and it looks WAY better (it's not really painful and the swelling went down in the wound part, but I still have masses that need to drain...).


I got hives last night but took a benadryl. I woke up this morning and I was completely covered in hives again so I called my doctors office and they contacted the doctor on call and he called me back. He said the antibiotics I'm on are good and to keep taking them, but all the hives are just the shot and other antibiotics coming out. He prescribed me steriods to start today and I can't breastfeed until I stop. So I gotta pump and throw it away and feed the baby formula. *SIGH* This is so complicated.

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This is really really an amazing path your taking and I respect you so much for your committment to breastfeed. You really really have had quite a row to hoe with this hives complication combined with the alternating infection. But this too shall pass, you are sooo strong and wow (sigh), you are already a wonderful mother making tremendous sacrifices for your little boy!!! ((PROUD))

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Thank you!!


I just got a couple awesome weeks of breastfeeding and I honestly loved it so much. It's really unexplainable.


Today we're doing okay. He's alright with the formula, he seems to be sleeping longer and has an occasional stomach ache but other than that, it's alright. He gets frustrated that he can't nurse but he'll survive.


The steriods make me feel like I've taken too much cough medicine and everything tastes like metal. Ew. It's really hard to pump on the right side because of that wound, which looks like it's really clearing out.


Okay so in a WEEK, it should be okay. I've said that before. I have another doctor's appointment tomorrow so hopefully they'll tell me I'm getting better.

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Oh... I was just catching up on your posts and you've been doing it tough, you poor woman!!!! Thumbs up to you though for hanging in there like you have. The baby got the colostrum... if nothing else, that's the most important part... and remember what I said - breast feeding or not, does not evaluate you as a mother... so no matter what happens, don't ever think that you are a bad person, or that this is in any way your fault!!!!!

I hope you are feeling better soon, and your bub's tummy will settle as soon as the formula has settled properly, you'll be able to enjoy motherhood more when you're not stressing out and developing hives every 5 minutes also!!!!

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I keep thinking to myself, "how can it be THIS hard?" I mean, you prepare yourself for lack of sleep and MAYBE some sore nipples, but geez, I'm ready for a break. Hives are the ultimate worst.


I still HAVE to pump because I'm not letting myself get engouraged and possibly get more of an infection, but we'll see after everything is said and done.

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Just keep in mind, after you hae sorted yourself out, if you decide not to go ahead with b/feeding - make sure you talk to the doc. about drying your milk up properly! Oh, and are you using nipple shields with the pump?? Just if you're already tender they may help (you have probably already thought about all this), I also used to use a lanolin cream on my nipples when using the pump as I had to pump every 2 hours when my bub was on the NG tube - the cream really kept them soft and prevented drying and cracking.

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Tomorrow I have to go see a surgeon. They're going to cut me open and drain me out most likely, since my body is doing it itself anyhow.


At least they're listening to me though (finally).


I just want them to get it all at once so I can heal and get on with this whole mother thing.

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Hey BTR,


Gosh, you have had such a tough go of it!


I hope this ordeal is over for you very soon.


Today we're doing okay. He's alright with the formula, he seems to be sleeping longer and has an occasional stomach ache but other than that, it's alright. He gets frustrated that he can't nurse but he'll survive.


The good news about formula is it take a bit longer to metabolize than breast milk, so that means babies tend to go longer between feedings (and tend to sleep longer periods too).


Keep us updated!

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Well, at least it's all about to come together for you... I'm sorry to hear that you have had to go through sooo much before the medical profession will listen, it's always the way though!!!

Good luck and we'll all be thinking of you - let us know how you get on when you're home and feeling better, enjoying your special little bundle without worrying about pain!!!

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The scary part is they don't use any type of pain medication whatsoever...just poke me and drain me out. Eek.


Insist that they give you something! Explain that you are in intense pain, for goodness sake.

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I have to go get an ultrasound tomorrow, then I go back to the surgeon to have it drained. It's an absess now.


Nothing has changed yet.


The scary part is they don't use any type of pain medication whatsoever...just poke me and drain me out. Eek.


I'm also very surprised that they didn't give you anything for pain- I think Scout it right- time to advocate for yourself. That just seems unacceptable to me.

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Wow BTR I am sorry you are going through this!


I just found this thread... sheesh me missing it... so much on this forum I bet no one can see it all.


Anyways, you are in my thoughts! Your little one did get to nurse for a little while, thats better than not trying at all. Congratulate yourself for all your effort and please dont beat yourself up over it like I beat myself up...



I nursed my oldest, but my 2 year old I couldnt even though I tried... He wouldnt latch on and I was so very depressed. For weeks... Now new baby girl she nursed for four days. Then I was in intense pain. So painful that I would cry everytime she nursed. Finally, I gave her a bottle and you know what? Shes okay. My two year old is not sickly (i was worried) and he is okay too!

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Okay. I just got back from my ultrasound. I'M SO SICK OF ALL OF THIS.


I have an abcess in both breasts. There's actually two in one breast. One is so large they didn't know how to measure it, and they called a couple doctors in like I'm the town circus freak.


The one that came to the surface still has fluid in it too.


I have to call on Monday and make an appointment next week to have them drained. I have to go back to the surgeon I don't like where they don't have an ultrasound machine, so he'll just be poking me with needles, hoping they get it all.


I really hope I look somewhat human after this whole experience.

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I wonder if a second opinion from a more compassionate and prepared surgeon (like one with an ultrasound machine, for example) wouldn't be a good idea too.


I realize that you don't have alot of time, but perhaps, armed with your U/S results from today you could schedule an appt with another surgeon? If you tell your OB that you and this current surgeon clash?


I am so sorry that you are going through all this. I still think if that first doctor caught it early and hadn't been so cavalier about the whole thing it never would have been allowed to get this bad. Makes me mad for you, BTR.

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I tried to go to the other doctor, but I'm stuck with the first surgeon I don't like. Otherwise I have to pay for everything myself, no insurance coverage.


Gotta love those HMO's. *SIGH*


Well.........this should be all a bad memory in about a week. *I HOPE*

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