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Pot Bellies?


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Yes, a little belly is cool, cause I wanna little forgiveness in that area, too, and I don't like a six-pack on a man anyway.


Hmm. I actually prefer a small belly to a cut-up guy. But not one of those big hard ones. Those aren't cool.

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Well, my pot belly is closer a crock pot right now. But thats because I just came of 10 years of college, no real time to eat right and take care of myself. But now I'm on a high-protein, low carb/calorie diet. I prefer walking, but I think I'm gonna get a couple of dumbbells so that I can do some light arm and chest work. I don't want rock-hard definition, I just want to get back down to my fighting weight.

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Isn't it! This is why I love the 'net. You don't see many people talking about this stuff on a street corner.


And what about your pot belly? When is the due date???


March 29!


Did you see the pictures?

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I think that as long as he's healthy (takes care of himself), a little bit of a belly is sexy. I don't want a guy who is 100% ripped. It makes me feel kinda inadequate because I'm anything BUT. Plus, just like guys like a girl with a little meat on their bones, I like guys who do.

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Well, my pot belly is closer a crock pot right now. But thats because I just came of 10 years of college, no real time to eat right and take care of myself. But now I'm on a high-protein, low carb/calorie diet. I prefer walking, but I think I'm gonna get a couple of dumbbells so that I can do some light arm and chest work. I don't want rock-hard definition, I just want to get back down to my fighting weight.


crock pot? Eh, that's nothing. I got a food-baby and I'm about 7 months along!

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jayar, you wouldn't have traded your ex for anything? why is it an ex?



anyways, i haven't met any women that didn't like my body. i don't have a belly at all. are abs bad? this post is funny. also, is the topic for a woman to have a pot belly or a guy? or is this about a pig? lol

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My ex used to make this joke. He used to say that when we got together he had a 6-pack, now he has a keg. It was true though. He gained about 25 lbs over 3 years. Needless to say, I was not into the "keg" look. Now I tend to prefer thin guys, whether there is a 6-pack or not.


As for myself, I have a little bit of fat on my belly, while the rest of me stays lean. I'm working on that and it's getting better. I hope to have a 6-pack by the end of the year.

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