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When did you start to feel uncomfortable?


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Okay, so I am officially in my last trimester now, but should I really be feeling this uncomfortable at 6 months? Maybe its my body type? I am all limbs, and right now, all baby. I feel like the little one doesnt fit me! My back is killing me already, when I sit down its feet are cramped up into my ribs, and my hips and pelvis feel like they just can't take the weight.


I feel like I can't even work on my essays at school because I can't breath properly when I sit down from all the squishedness!


Is this normal? I can't imagine how its going to feel in a couple months!!!

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Umm...welcome to pregnancy and motherhood, darlin'. Be glad that right now it's ONLY this uncomfortable. When the baby is born, you will get no sleep, no showers, and no time to yourself. Try to just enjoy those things as much as you can right now. Then when you are getting no sleep, showers, etc...you can think about how glad you are that you're not so uncomfortably pregnant anymore. Make sense? Good luck with everything!

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isisastaria I'm going to sound like I am having a go at you and I promise I'm not, you are just the last of many people to have said this (not necessarily here though) and I have reached my saturation point.


Maybe I am a major wuss, and I am prepared to admit that. I certainly am a whiny whinger who is not enjoying being pregnant so far. But this is not helped by the fact that so many people feel the need to say "hey you think THAT'S bad, it's gonna get heaps worse".


There's the whole birth thing, enough said. And I think many of us know that once the baby is born there are sleepless nights and exhaustion, loss of independence. We may also have the joy of cracked nipples or pregnancy complications, or depression.


For some people, pregnancy sucks. I'm lucky enough to be broadly okay myself, but I still feel like crap. I really really don't want to be told that I have another few months of feeling even more crap, to be followed by exhaustion and lack of identity. I want some hope, even if it's optimistic.


scarew I have no idea if it's normal, but I hope that your body sorts itself out and all is feeling better soon, or at least not worse. Hang in there mate.

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Thanks caro,


isisastaria, although I of course I realize the uncomfortness to come, I was merely reffering to the little one being strapped to my front all day. Dad can't do much to help me right now either as much as he wants to. I am an extremely busy woman right now as a pregnant working student and I guess the extra package is just starting to get to me. I never said motherhood would be easier

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scarew, you are about as far along as my sister and she sounds to be as uncomfortable as you are. this is her second and she felt pretty much the same the first go around. Hang in there! The best is yet to come (and i mean that in the postive way!).

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Hey Scarew,


It shifted a lot for me. In the beginning of my third trimester, I had so many aches and pains, I felt the same way you did. I was hoping it wouldn't be that unbearable the whole third trimester. It wasn't.


I think your body goes through the majority of the changes in the last phase, so be prepared for many different kinds of aches and pains but they don't last forever. They come and go.


For me, I got pretty unbearable the final month and that's it.


Good luck to you!!!

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Urgh... My son's bum was jammed in under my rib cage and his feet and head were down low in my uterus... he was literally folded in half for a lot of the pregnancy... and it hurt bad!!!! I slept with a hot water bottle to ease the ligament pain and tenderness... it's sooo normal to be fed up now, you'll continue to have patches like this!! hang in there sweetie!!!

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I must be different. I suppose I have a very long torso, but my baby hasn't really made me feel that uncomfortable. It's weird. I wish she'd kick me so hard sometimes that I'd let out an audible OUCH!!! And I do let out the audible ouches, but really only because I want to communicate to my boyfriend that she's alive and well. But then I tell him that it really wasn't as bad as I thought. I just hope she's strong. She doesn't really seem to be all that feisty.

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I'm starting to feel uncomfortable at 4 months- but I popped quite early.


I notice it most in my back when I have to sit for prolonged periods of time.


I also am very incomfortable trying to sleep at night. I've been trying to use a body pillow for support but I just don't feel relaxed. I wake up several times a night- and it feels like my belly and chest weigh me down in bed- it's hard to explain.



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OK, I spoke way too early. The baby moved into a very strange position again. She did it this weekend too. Usually, her feet are poking out of the right side of my abdomen and now I have NO IDEA where they are. I just feel sort of stretched out and the movements are all above my pubic bone. I don't know if she's moving down or what, but fortunately, some brief episode of hiccups suggests she might still be head down, but this is a position I'm not happy about because I can't tell what's what. And it doesn't feel like she's actually moving lower into my pelvis. It really doesn't.

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Lol Dilly that is so cute!


I guess in a way I am thankful that my little one is so active. It reminds me that its alive every five minutes hahaha.


Thats funny Dilly that you spoke too soon. I can't really tell what is what on my baby either, I only kind of know because it seems to stay upside down.

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My goodness, that's good Scarew. Doc told me Friday baby is definitely in the right place, with head angling right into pelvis. I just felt so many lumps in my belly last Thursday and her feet did sort of disappear. I wonder what position she was in and so I wen to the spinning babies website to see if I could palpatate to find out. It was quite educational. The hiccups always come from below my belly button and the feet are back up beneath my right ribs, so she is where I want her again. I actually woke up Friday morning with her back in her usual position. It was just a little odd-and transverse like those two times and I just don't want her choking off her umbilical cord which I gather breech position can do.


The doc merely placed one set of two fingers simultaneously on either side of my abdomen directly above the pubic bone, pushed down kind of firmly and told me he felt the head. I did the same, but was nervous the compression might make her uncomfortable. Excited to know she's head down and that only 5% actually switch orientation after getting into position.

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