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Male multiple orgasms without ejaculation and resolution phase.


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Male multiple orgasms without ejaculation and resolution phase.


Hi, I have been reading a book about “sex on the edge of orgasm” I find it a very interesting concept and was wondering if anyone has tried the techniques?


The idea is generally that you strengthen the PC muscle group (the ones that you use for ejaculating and for peeing) and also learn to control those muscles independently of the rest of your muscles (much in the same way that some people can wiggle just their little toe without wiggling the rest).


Then the idea is that orgasm and ejaculation are two different things, it’s just that a lot of people in this porn-driven society are purely focused on ejaculation.


Now orgasm apparently comes from reaching a certain level of sexual tension, where you get the euphoria feeling, around that mark most people nowadays reach their ejaculation threshold, and come. Meaning that ejaculation happens at the same time as orgasm, and so people commonly associate them with each other.


When ejaculation happens it takes a LOT of energy from the guy, causing the onset of a resolution phase where they become de-sensitized for a period. And then they can also only ejaculate a few times, normally after 4-6 times ejaculating it is hard for a guy to go any further, meaning the end of the sexual encounter.


Ejaculation is characterized by the involuntary PC muscle spasm, causing the squirting, and resolution. And if you can control your PC muscles you can prevent ejaculation and then continue on longer to more stimulation, higher levels of sexual tension and higher levels of orgasmic bliss.


By having strong PC muscles and good control over them you can apparently forcefully activate them, forcefully giving them a command to tense, or to relax. This command overpowers the involuntary spasm and so stops the ejaculation from occurring.


Now with the techniques in the book they say that it takes some practice, and it’s often best to start out by having slow stimulation so you approach the edge slowly and have more control over the situation. Guys know when they are about to come, and they can even stop just prior to that level, when they reach 9.99 on the Richter scale. This gives the nearly the same orgasmic feeling as getting to 10 and ejaculating, but it lasts for much much longer, (I’ve had orgasms for a couple of minutes). And it also allows for continuation without the loss of energy from the resolution stage.


Another technique of re-directing the sexual tension away from the genitals is to tightly clench your hands and feet for 10sec, re-directing the energy away from the potentially explosive genitals


Apparently more experienced people can take it further past what would normally be the edge, having repetitious full blown orgasms without ejaculation. It is normally harder to prevent ejaculation after a few orgasms as the sexual tension gets so intense, meaning that after 3-4 orgasms without ejaculation the guy is in such a state that he can no longer keep control of the PC muscles and he blow it all, with more practice apparently this can be increased nearly indefinutly to get many multiple orgasms.


Anyway, this is apparently really good with masturbation, as people can control exactly the level of excitement, so they can stop stimulation as just the millisecond before the point of no return, but then it’s different in a relationship as it’s sometimes not nice when the girl is all aroused and you want to say stop for a second and just sit on the edge of orgasm for a while.


I often find it good for a long night of sex, normally the guy climaxes faster then the woman, but with this start and stop method it is possibly to stop ejaculation for a couple of hours of intimate sex, until the woman is bursting at the edge of orgasm (and already had a few) and then only at the end, finally let it go in a big combined squeezing moment.


Has anyone else practiced these techniques with their partners?

What have been your experiences?

How has your partner reacted to it?


I heard that woman also advantage from strengthening the PC muscle group, and they can then even simply stimulate the guy by repetitively clenching themselves around him, quite a different feeling from the usual sliding motion.

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Yep, tried this stuff. For the most part it's correct although I find it works just as well to orgasm and ejaculate multiple times. No true need for all the fancy stuff most of the time.


As for ejaculation taking a whole bunch of energy, I don't buy into that. There are certainly checimals released that cause things to slow down and relax but I really don't think it occurs due to energy output. In fact I generally feel more envigorated after sex than tired.


Easiest way to learn to control PC muscles is to isolate them first by stopping peeing in midstream. Once you can do that it's easy to exercise them any time you want.


Control of those muscles will help in some ways, stengthening them in general just helps all on its own, but you can't totally stop ejaculation by clamping down on them because at that point your body takes over and runs the show involuntarily. What actually happens is you have to take whatever steps necessary to stop just before ejaculation, and at that point it's worthwhile holding them in check.


Frankly, women don't seem all the cncerned and many actually like the ejaculation part so for them it means very little to have muiltiple orgasms with no ejaculation. I'm sure some women are different though. There are other things I do my partner likes a better than be able to almost endlessly have intercourse.

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Yep, tried this stuff. For the most part it's correct although I find it works just as well to orgasm and ejaculate multiple times. No true need for all the fancy stuff most of the time.



Yeah, that’s what I used to do. I like long sessions, normally the first one used to come too fast and was gone before you knew it, the second and third were much better, then by the time it was at 4th - 6th you don’t feel anything down there for a long period, being totally numbed, and then only in the last moments you feel a intense pleasure, and then it’s over, only getting a short time of sensitivity before orgasm compared to the long period of enjoyable sensitivity you experience on the 2nd and 3rd.



The numbness after ejaculation takes some time to fade away, by maintaining at that level of excitement without ejaculation you only build to higher levels of excitement.



Easiest way to learn to control PC muscles is to isolate them first by stopping peeing in midstream. Once you can do that it's easy to exercise them any time you want.



Yep, that’s the most common way to start (look up kergel exercises for more info) also on the bus or in boring work meetings is a good time.



Control of those muscles will help in some ways, strengthening them in general just helps all on its own, but you can't totally stop ejaculation by clamping down on them because at that point your body takes over and runs the show involuntarily. What actually happens is you have to take whatever steps necessary to stop just before ejaculation, and at that point it's worthwhile holding them in check.



Yes, It’s almost impossible to stop once it’s started, but if you clamp down a second before ejaculation you can stop it much more effectively. Clamping down is not the only way, purposely signaling them to relax also takes over from the initiating of involuntary spasms. Switching between clamping and relaxing on successive orgasms sometimes works



Frankly, women don't seem all the cncerned and many actually like the ejaculation part so for them it means very little to have muiltiple orgasms with no ejaculation. I'm sure some women are different though. There are other things I do my partner likes a better than be able to almost endlessly have intercourse.


besides the fact that you can keep on having sex 3 times as long and so give them much more stimulation, meaning they can have several orgasms before you both have a big one in unison. And it’s not only the woman’s concern, it also seems to personally provide much different orgasm experiences for the guys. I often get pins and needles and a feeling of nearly fainting with this method, which doesn’t happen to the same extent during normal sexual orgasms.


I also found these methods work best with slow long relaxed sex, e.g. when “sitting” on her pelvis/butt while giving a relaxed full body massage all afternoon.

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I have flexed that muscle while doing it, and after holding it for about 10 seconds or so, sometimes I would fell tingly for a split second, and it feels somewhat good. When I do, sometimes it makes the final one awesome.


The draw back I have noticed was sometimes it makes it super hard to get that final one.

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