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Called her once no answer now what


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Hey guys,


I got a number from a gril at the bar on Sunday called her today (tuesday) she did not pick up even though I had her call her cellphone as she entered the number into my cellphone. I left a message saying I will try you again. I was thinking of callin her 2 hours later and see if she picks up, but what should I say on the answering machine if she does not pickkup ? Any thoughts Ideas?


Lol sorry to ask silly questions just not sure what to do.



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Ok this is what to do:


1.) Call (try) her tomorrow evening around 7pm (after dinner, after work time)

2.) If you get her voicemail, you can:


a) leave a message--leaving your phone number and saying something like: if you'd like to give me a call, you can reach me at (insert your telephone number here)


b) leave another message saying that you will try her later on (repeat step #1)


Don't call tonight. It comes off as desperate and I am not sure where you are but it's approaching 10 pm where I am and that is too late to call (in my opinion).


You'll be fine!



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^ agree with hosswhispra.


definitely don't call again tonight.


and i wouldn't keep leaving messages saying that you'll try

her again later.


what i would do is, try her again tomorrow sometime

and leave ONE message with something like,

"ok, it looks like we're playing phone tag...so TAG you're it!"

and then leave your number.

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yes, from a women's point of view, it's nice that you follow through and called her, and said you would "try her later".. so wait a day, leave another message as hosswhipa suggested, and say: "Sorry I missed you again, here's my number, if you'd like to call me that'd be great, look forward to talking to you, and hope you had a great day". this sounds confident, considerate, and classy.... then it's up to her to make a move, a gesture, or just not return the call either way you'll know where you stand.. and if she should answer when you call tomorrow, then have a "plan" don't just aimlessly talk to her, ask her out, say there is a restuarant you'd like to take her to, would she like to go this weekend sometime or next weekend, whatever would work for her"....


Be confident, mature, classy, and have a plan to ask her out... "if and when" she might call back..but do NOT call her back again tonight... wait till tomorrow... it's best, and confident to do so.. then let it go... also may I suggest not using the "playing phone tag" line, because so far she's not playing it....and it's a bit not direct, and it's best to be confident, kind, classy and wait a day to call again...

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