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Goodbye, ENAers


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Commiting suicide is not the answer, no matter how terrible your problems seem to be. I don't know you, but I do know that suicide is really THE END. Once it's done, there is no going back. And you are only 19. You have so much ahead of you. Please don't act on this. There are people who care, no matter what it seems.

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Oh please....let me tell you something. You think your stupid, a drain on society, whatever. You think your problems are to damn hard to live with. I want you to set back and think real hard about people out there with hard problems.


Think about the 14 year old girls, sobbing quietly in their bedrooms each night as they hear their perverted fathers walking up the hall to their door.


Think about all the babies around the world who were born with crack addictions, abusive parents and have bullets flying around their heads 24/7


Think about all the hardworking families out there who are thrown for a loop by a series of bad moments and are now living out of broken-down cars and eating out of dumpsters.


Think about LC here, who is being abused and used by someone and can't seem to find her way out....but still takes the time to try and help you.



You think you have problems because you have self-esteem issues? How dare you! You need to get your butt to a counselor, doctor, whomever it takes to get your mind back on track....funny, for someone who wants to die, you seem to be hanging watcing the forums alot.


And for my detractors, yes this was harsh, but it needed to be said.

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Don't do it. Suicide is definitely not the answer. Think about everyone that cares about you and how much it will hurt them. Do you really want them to go through that?


You're only 19...your whole life is ahead of you. Everyone has problems they have to go through. Committing suicide would be the cowardly way out of these problems. Do you really want people to look at you as a coward? Because ultimately, that's what will happen.

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Now you've given me less to live about and more to be depressed about. Thank you for that tired rhetoric; I really needed it.


Hey Cynical,


Some people just get a bit frustrated. I know that is not fair on you but it is only because they care. Your issues are your issues and because they are big issues for you they are serious issues.


But why don't you put a few of them down online. Who knows, there may be some ideas out there.

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Cynical, are you gonna let the way one person puts your problems in perspective bring you down to suicidal level? What about what everyone else has said? Even if what Locke said was a little harsh, he was trying to help you. PEOPLE WANT TO HELP YOU. Let us. Don't throw your life away over something that CAN be fixed.

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if you're capable of commiting suicide, then you're capable of doing anything.

you must be really brave to do such a thing.I mean nobody actually knows what's after death, it could be the end of everything as you wish, but it might be the start of something worse, it could be like your punishment for not even trying, and then killing yourself,, they could make you be born again into a worse life......

yeah thats not good.. but then maybe you'll get what you want i mean, who's to know..

and thats kind of ironic, because you keep beating yourself down because you don't think you're worth anything, or w/e it is, and now you're capable of doing such a crazy thing, which actually shows that you're really brave, because honestly.. i wouldn't be able to do it.. im too scared of something nobody knows about... and i honestly would like to make this life last, because at least i know whats going on now, and what i can do or w/e, and not just go off and start something new that i dont know...

and honestly if you stop being so negative and stop pittying yourself, then you could be able to do whatever it is you want out of life.

and why is it that you hate yourself so much?, is it because you think you're ugly?

and if thats the case, why dont you just go work out and try to be the best, and have the best body you can ever have, and then if AFTER you have done this, you still feel you're ugly, even if AFTER you've gotten "ripped", you still think you're not worth anything, then you can think of committing suicide but then at least you tried to do everything in your power to change your life, and it didn't work.

you know what I mean?

honestly dont just go and commit suicide without at least trying to do everything in your power to change it.

if you hate liars, then stop being friends with them, if its your parents, move out and get a job and be by yourself doing whatever it is you want.

honestly its YOUR life, you can do with it whatever you want, but dont just go and end it without at least trying to do EVERYTHING in your power to change it, i mean come on now!!

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Its very easy to judge & say that someones problems aren't as bad as someone elses & I agree some of us have gotten a little blase about people threatening suicide as attention seeking (myself included) but we don't know what Cynical's reasoning is.


At the end of the day suicide is never the answer & at 19 I would be saddened to hear that you had a justifiable reason for it.


Enlighten us Cynical, perhaps we can offer some thing that may help.

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Cynical, are you gonna let the way one person puts your problems in perspective bring you down to suicidal level? What about what everyone else has said? Even if what Locke said was a little harsh, he was trying to help you. PEOPLE WANT TO HELP YOU. Let us. Don't throw your life away over something that CAN be fixed.


Yes, but I am so damn tired of people giving me all that charital crap whilst thinking saying such things is gonna make me feel better... cause those people are just as bad as the rich folk who take everything for granted; only from a different angle.

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Yes, but I am so damn tired of people giving me all that charital crap whilst thinking saying such things is gonna make me feel better... cause those people are just as bad as the rich folk who take everything for granted; only from a different angle.


It wasn't meant to make you feel better. It was to make you put things into perspective (I think). I'm not saying your life doesn't suck because to you, it does suck. But to other people who don't know your inner pain, they may see you as being very capable of making something out of yourself, becoming something great.

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Yes, but I am so damn tired of people giving me all that charital crap whilst thinking saying such things is gonna make me feel better... cause those people are just as bad as the rich folk who take everything for granted; only from a different angle.


Are you talking about those who are saying "Don't, you have so much to live for"? Most of the people on this site have some sort of problem. Some may not be as bad as others, but who are any of us to be the judge of that? Like everyone keeps saying, please tell us what is wrong and we'll see if we can help you out. That's why we're all here, and I'll assume that's why you're here talking about suicide. Deep down you WANT help. So let us.

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Yes, but I am so damn tired of people giving me all that charital crap whilst thinking saying such things is gonna make me feel better... cause those people are just as bad as the rich folk who take everything for granted; only from a different angle.


We all have problems... lord knows someone on here has been where you are... I have wanted to kill myself many times.


If you want help, then let us, dont just post horrid things and not explian anything. If you dont want help, then I just dont understand whats going on.

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Yes, but I am so damn tired of people giving me all that charital crap whilst thinking saying such things is gonna make me feel better... cause those people are just as bad as the rich folk who take everything for granted; only from a different angle.


So? You think I'm one of those rich folK? Bull, I'm a poor mountain boy from Tennessee. The kind that usually ends up working in a sawmill or factory. Like you I thought the entire darn world was against me. You know what? I told the world to take a flying leap!


I've just spent 10 grueling years to get my Bachelors. I'm one of the most educated people in a very extended family. I have a great job staring me in the face, and finally the world will have to start doing a few things MY way.


Thats what you have to do. You got problems? Fine, then deal with them, don't let them make you run a freakin' straight razor accross your wrists. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps and get the help you need to get your mind straight. THEN, grab the world and start shaking it till its teeth rattle!


You want our help? Then you have to help us help you. You talk alot, but you don't say a darn thing....we can't help you unless you tell us whats wrong!

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NEWSFLASH: Everyone gets depressed. Suicide is selfish. Get some help. If you really want to die...think about this: You are going to die someday anyway. It WILL happen. Why not make it an adventure and tough this one out? Dying is inevitable. The remainder of Your life...after suicide... would not be inevitable.

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I have no reason to live. My dad passed away nearly 2 years ago, and no, I'm not gonna get over it. I've never had a job before, thus I'm too pathetic and expendable for anybody to hire. I've spent a lot of my life being picked on, harassed, and beat up just for being different than others. No girl will touch me, except for the ones I have no interest in, and no, I'm not gonna fake interest in them just outta fear of lonliness. I fail miserably at everything I do and am ADD and manic depressive to the max. All I really have is my guitar, and nobody I know wants to take a music career seriously. I have few people to play music with and they're busy all the time. My mom disagrees with letting me buy a new guitar and half-stack and calls those things "toys". Well, you can't really go anywhere in the music industry without at least a half-stack. She opposes me having anything else besides my current guitar and a 100watt amp; nevermind getting a small drumset and bass + small amp for recording. My output of my soundcard is broken so I can't really make any recordings on the computer anymore. I'm going nowhere fast. That's only the tip of the iceburg though.

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I realize you are so depressed that you aren't thinking with a clear angle. LOOK at yourself. You are a human with flesh and bones. You breath...you love, you feel...you cry. You NEED to connect with yourself and give yourself a break. Go look at your baby or old school pictures. Ask that child what he needs

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You want our help? Then you have to help us help you. You talk alot, but you don't say a darn thing....we can't help you unless you tell us whats wrong!

I dont understand what he wants... why post the thread if he doesnt want help?

Does he want to feel wanted? we are all trying to help and getting blown off...

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