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Lurking Ex

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I have been broken up with my ex a very long time, almost 3 years in fact and we last has any email contact 18 months ago.


Last year I noticed several message on a blog we used to go together. The messages were not directly to me but contained poems and phrases only we would both know.


I think "something" is up here and my friends say she is trying to test the waters for a possible re-establishment of contact.


Anyone got any thoughts on on what she is up to here?

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If you ahve been broken up for 3 years, then I am sure she would have used those phrases with someone else.


People often mis-interprate just random jokes as "personal jokes"...


Imo, anyways... I know my ex thought I was reffering to him on my myspace, but I wasnt, he just thought the phrases I was using, I had only used with him.

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The phrases were ones we reserved for each other so i do know it is her


But what if she reserves them for someone else now?

I mean, you have no way of knowing if she uses your little pet names or sexy jokes with anyone else, do you?>


They MIGHT be for you, but if they arent and you contact her about it... it could be pretty messy

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If you ahve been broken up for 3 years, then I am sure she would have used those phrases with someone else.


People often mis-interprate just random jokes as "personal jokes"...


Imo, anyways... I know my ex thought I was reffering to him on my myspace, but I wasnt, he just thought the phrases I was using, I had only used with him.


Not everyone simply transfers "special" names or rituals to successive partners. Everyone is different, it is not one size fits all. Perhaps this person is indeed reaching out. I would say proceed with caution. If you want to re-kindle something, then perhaps drop her a line...but don't mention that you saw the possible hints she gave, just keep it casual. Good luck and I hope it works out.

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Thank you for your responses. Crazyaboutdogs, you are very close to the mark in what you say, it's clear she was "reaching out" and those are exactly the words I would use also. To me there is a world of difference between young people broadcasting their lives and so on on somewhere like myspace and someone in her early forties (as she is) leaving a subtle (or not so subtle) message on a quiet, little known and very private member-only forum.


I won't be responding to her though because really there is no reason to. Time has passed, we are different people now and it would be difficult, indeed inappropriate, to attempt to re-establish any connection today.


Nonetheless, it was interesting to see her make a re-appearance after so long, I wish her well for the future.

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