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He says he loves me...actions speak louder then words..right?


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nope..not since he called me monday night. i made it short and sweet.

im going to do LC for a bit.....like ghost says: I need time to heal.

I want to be friends and LC is the way to go for me.

Ive just been thinking back on things and i dont want to get into a big converstion with him right now because he does have a way to charm his way back in....

if i see him in public i will be friendly, if he calls i will answer, but im not calling him.

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WHat possessed me. I just checked his myspace for the first time since last week.


its his b-day and you are thinking about him....

try thinking to yourself...its just another day for you.

his b-day is nothing to you.

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i have no idea why you women get so caught up in a semi nice guy changing into this knight in shining armor. find another guy. but heal from this one first. it's hard to move on i know. comfortableness is bliss. but look at all of the problems you have been having and how you have been treated.


and i'm doing great kids. thanks.

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i honestly think that im to the point that i dont care if my ex changes.

let the next woman deal with it!

I ran into a friend of mine that ive known since i was 5yrs and he was telling me that he hopes his daughter grows up like me..

he told me that any man would be lucky to be with me. that made me feel good.

I told him breifly about my ex and he said he didnt even know that we had been seeing each other.

anyway, its all going to get better.

when you are seeing someone who is insecure...it really takes a lot out of you.

there is someone better out there for both of us anna, you just need to think about that and not the past...try too anyway.

thats what im doing and it helps...cant say i wont slip up or that i dont miss him, it just gets less and less everyday.

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i have no idea why you women get so caught up in a semi nice guy changing into this knight in shining armor. find another guy. but heal from this one first. it's hard to move on i know. comfortableness is bliss. but look at all of the problems you have been having and how you have been treated.


and i'm doing great kids. thanks.



gald to hear you are doing great.


by the way, who are you calling a kid? lol

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This guy used to talk to girls behond my back. Yahoo chat blahblah. He deleted his myspace cos he was doing it on there too. Now he has a myspace page with guess what?! All the same girls he was chatting with before. NOw i am mad and cannot believe he promised al these things and how he owuld 'saw his own leg off to make me trust him'


Its so funny when you think about it. I am glad I looked at his page. All this week he said he will change. Yet there he is... Ha!


Mine is a scumbag. No excuses no nothing anymore. I am so moving on. I dont even want to be his friend. Lie after lie after lie!

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dont let it get to you anna,


he came crawling back to you and you refused him...hes just trying to hurt you and you are letting him by checking his my space...im glad you found out because now you have the tools to get over him and the tool you are using right now is ANGER! be angry, just dont be hurt. there is nothing to be hurt by this time around, because you DIDNT FALL FOR THE LIES.

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be upset with them, not yourself. you gave your all. they couldn't respect it. f them. if a cockroach that you flushed a week before came back up the toilet, would you let him in the house or flush him again? i already know your answer. hehe

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Awww that was funny! Cockroach!


It just makes me laugh really. All those flowers, hearts, puppies for crying out loud! Then 4 days later boom! He is back to his old tricks. ANd who knows when he 'friend' them, could have been sooner as i didnt bother to check.


Funny thing is he doesnt know I know who these girls are.


Cant believe I spent days thinking 'ooo he is trying so hard to win we back, maybe im being harsh'


I guess this is what I needed to see to really let go fully. I cant even see myself being friends with him


Here is my big dilema - I gave this guy ALOT of money as he was struggling with bills. I always knew I would be paid back over time, but since we split that is not the case. And even when we split I thought i didnt care. Now I have seen this, I do care.


What should I do. I really cant see him paying up anyway as he really is in debt! should i just let go and forget it.

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i owe sooo much from my marriage.

he racked up bills in his name and he owes the IRS....guess who gets to pay half? ME, because i was married to him.

i spent 2 yrs upset about this and it sneaks up on me once in awhile now, but the bottom line is that there is nothing i can do about it but pay what i can when i can......LESSON LEARNED! and worth every penny i might add!

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Lesson definitely learned!!

I am so much stronger, its so funny. I am just forgetting about him, he is not worth my time. I did everything for him, and he couldnt even keep his 'i will change' promise for more than a few days. So glad i didnt give it another chance.


Luv - lets not make same mistakes again!! How you doing today

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Hey Luv


Glad you bumped into your old friend and he made you feel good!

Sometimes a boost like that is all you need to get through the day.!


I am glad you are staying strong. Its been just over 1 week for me now. I have come so far since then! I feel good. Even more so after today, just makes me think Damn i wasted 6 months! Gave him everything. For nothing.


Good to see you are strong and getting on with things. Keep us posted

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Can completely relate.


It's actually going very well now. Things are really different. I honestly believe we are on the same page. I hesitate to post about it because there have been so many up's and down's already. I think maybe we ironed out most of our conflict.


Darned stubborn people we are.

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