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my ongoing mail saga umph!!


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The saga of the mail continues..I tried to change my ex's address for him but needed his signature. Tried to do it online but had to pay w/ a cc w/ a billing address to the new address. I am thinking of mailing him a change of address form w/ a sticky saying "change your address" but don't know whether I am breaking no contact, I just don't really want to have anything to do with him or contact him for a long, long time. He has not emailed once just to check up on me only for the status of his checks and although it hurts it makes me think what kind of person he is. I am finally at the stage were I realize we are probably never going to get back together again and although it hurts ther's also a weight off my shoulders, so I just don't know what to do about the mail- I was told I could just throw it in trash but its illegal and petty. any suggestions??

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-not at this address-



You have already done FAR too much for this douchebag!!




Take it all, stick it in the mailbox, and let USPS sort it out. that is what i do whenever I get mail at my place that isn't for me. it just goes right back in the mailbox.


even better, just write on each of the envelopes, "Not at this address" and that is it, the postal service will sort it out right away.


don't use this as an excuse to stay close to your ex.

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Hey there,


Yup, I agree with all the others whom have posted. I still get mail sent to my address and it has the previous tenant's name on it. I just slip it back into the outgoing mailbox and I have not had a problem since.


So, what I would do is when you get mail that belongs to him, just put them back in a mailbox and Postal Service should take care of it. I would not do anything more for this guy.


Stay strong.

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