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Is this normal?


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Me and my ex broke up almost 4 months ago, I feel I'm pretty much over it for the most part, yet last night before I feel asleep all I could think about was the pain that I felt intially after we broke up. I've been doing so well for so long, I'm in the process of possibly starting to date again. Yet every now and again I feel the pain of losing her, is this normal? Does everyone miss there ex every now and again. We dated for three years and she was with someone else 3 days later yet I wasnt mad. She basically just did everything in her power to piss me off all summer yet a very very very small part of me still misses her. Is this normal?

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I completely agree with the above post, if u go through a lot with someone, then they do stay in your heart, and I dont see that as a bad thing.


I broke up with my ex boyfriend, and I was hurting so bad, I thought I'd never get over it. But now I look back, and I see the whole time as a positive one that has left me as a stronger person.


What your feeling is common, but try and think of it as nice memories, remember the good and try to faze the bad out.


Good luck.



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