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Worried - Teen pregnancy possible.


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So you may of read my other thread about how the condom split and we never realised and went on to finish up (cum) this was sunday morning. Well my girlfriend has took the morning after pill (sunday afternoon) . . . so as soon as possible. But we still cant help but worry, "what if" it dosnt work and she gets pregnent we are only young (15 + 16 yes i know statory rape) but we are both serious about a relationship and are both sensible.


It just feels like we are so unlucky as we have always been sensible and are both very mature. I hear of kids sleeping around with out using a condom and getting away scot free . . . no kids. Heres me, use a condom, it splits . . . now im worrying that there might be a pregnancy and also what my girlfriend will have to be put through. Just need some help and advice x

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I think that as long as she took the morning after pill in time, she should be fine. I'm sorry you're going through this--I know how stressful being in that situation is (thank god I didn't wind up pregnant).

Perhaps your girlfriend should look into getting on the pill, just as a back-up.

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If you are going to have sex any more she needs to start BC and you need to be more careful about condom use. Lube is always a must for condoms, it prevents breakage as well as making it more pleasant to use. Make sure you pinch the end of the condom, so there is no air bubble at the end when you put it on, that can cause breakage if not done right. Also, use the proper size, very few men need the large condoms, too big a condom will only mean it can slip off or get twisted and tear. Alway check the expiration date on the condom too. Latex degrades over time and will not be as strong the older it gets.

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Thanks, yeah where i live we are pretty educated on condom use etc, because there is so many teen pregnacnys here, so i know like how to use one but i think it was just unlucky and as we had a bit to drink after a party i might not of put it on properly, but ive learnt my lesson now.


I have told her where to get the pill and everything, she is going to think about it, but shes worried about her mum finding out. Im just so worried, i dont want a little mini-me running around. . . not yet anyway x

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I have told her where to get the pill and everything, she is going to think about it, but shes worried about her mum finding out. Im just so worried, i dont want a little mini-me running around. . . not yet anyway x


Ask your girlfriend this: would she rather explain to her mom that she's trying to be responsible about having sex or explain to her mom that she wound up knocked up at 15?


I KNOW how difficult it is to ask mom about the Pill... but it's something that needs to be done unless you want to be stressed out wondering if she's pregnant anymore.

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Its not statutory rape, you're 16.


there is a 2 year leeway, meaning a 17 yr old can have sex with a 15 year old, and all of that, otherwise all these highschool sweethearts would be screwed


Dont worry, its not actually that easy to get pregnant. RELAX, Im sure everything is fine, and if its not, there is no point in stressing.

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She took the morning after pill almost right away? Everything should be fine. It's 90% effective, or so I have read. It's most effective the sooner you take it. You did the right thing from the beginning by using protection.


Here is the link which explains more aout th pill. Might but your mind at ease.


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