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Why I now envy Video Game geeks


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Even the mindless ones with no point other than to kill/blow up your opponent? They don't take much concentration or interest.


yeah, and it's only gotten worse because you have the elitist (insert explitive here)s on the 'net who thwart your virtual reality to suckage just because (to the elitists of the world) it feels better to belittle those who aren't as good as you.


Social darwinism is rampant in the world, and is one of the most depressing theories ever.

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I would, but because I have really bad ADD and bi-polar tendencies... I'm terrible at video games.


Or dont becuase you sort of need social skills and sitting in front of a damn box wont help you with that?


(Im at work, the box is somthing I cant escape)


EDIT: People are just as rejected in cyber-space... My friends all got into WoW... my ex got a WoW gf, and when I met some WoW guys in real life, they were all stand-offish at first becuase the gf had been bad mouthing me.


there is just as much rivalry and mean childishness on the net as there is in real life.

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video games arent that big of a deal and wont make problems go away. Theyre just a distraction and time waster like anything else. Video games are no different than watching a movie or reading a book. Its a leisure activity and temporary escape from life's problems, but playing video games isnt going to make you any happier with your life.

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I've made a lot of internet friends through video games. You never really get to see them, aside from maybe a picture, but you can hop on vent/ts and talk to them. I've had long conversations with people I met through video games about things totally unrelated to video games and the internet. I knew some by their first names, and spoke to them on a daily basis.


I would avoid FPS/RTS if you don't like people making fun of you, or you don't like making fun of others, based on skill. In all honesty, if you're bored and lonely, pick up an MMORPG (I reccomend WoW) and get into it. Join a guild/linkshell/clan/whatever and get involved, be open minded, you might be surprised at how much fun you can have. But then again if you don't like video games your fun will likely be limited to..well, no fun at all.

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Been there, and although WoW is a good game, it is also DESIGNED to turn you into a pasty unhealthy little cave troll with no real life friends.

I have seen too many people sucked in by that game, it ruins lives.


I wouldnt reccomend it to anyone.

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Been there, and although WoW is a good game, it is also DESIGNED to turn you into a pasty unhealthy little cave troll with no real life friends.

I have seen too many people sucked in by that game, it ruins lives.


I wouldnt reccomend it to anyone.


I agree. A friend's mother (ironically) got sucked into that game and now she never leaves her damned house! It's sad.


I'd say games like that are as troublesome as internet message boards.

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video games arent that big of a deal and wont make problems go away. Theyre just a distraction and time waster like anything else. Video games are no different than watching a movie or reading a book. Its a leisure activity and temporary escape from life's problems, but playing video games isnt going to make you any happier with your life.


Tell that to the lucky ones that make a living off pressin' them buttons.

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It does take skills to design games and the job market can be competitive like any other proffession, but is this what you want in life? You say you envy video game players, but then find something that interests you to take away you envy. As long as you have something you're good at, then you have no reason to be envious of someone else for their ability at something.

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I envy today's young generation of gamers because gaming has become much more socially acceptable. Hot girls these days LOVE games, they have PS2s and junk.


When I was in school, console gaming was not as advanced, think NES, SNES, Genesis, and later on, PlayStation. It was better as I got into high school, but nowhere near as good as it is today.


These days, I see hotties playing games like Dance Dance Revolution. Back in "my day".... well we had the power pad.

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I've been to some gaming and anime conventions and seen the hottiest pieces of * * * imaginable. At Otakon last year, I watched this sexy girl in a tank top and thong playing video games with her boyfriend while about 4 guys stood behind her just sighing and dreaming.

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