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i'm not a man but i am sure they do, even if they're in a happy relationship. it is definitly not a sign of htem not being happy, they're just normal healthy guys, with sexual desires, that they might not be able to fullfill all the time, because maybe you wont be there when he feels horny, so he might masturbate thinking of you or something.

its just a normal thing guys do, and when they're young they might feel the need more often than not

oh and like everyone else said, women too masturbate, even if they're in happy relationships

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Hey there... I don't think a man ( or woman ) masterbating is necessarily an indication that he or she is unhappy with a relationship. I think masterbation and being vwith someone just has different payoffs. My friend told me some night she just doesn't feel like having sex with her bf, she'd rather get it done herself. She still loves him and is happy with her sex life. It's the same for men, too, I think. My bf masterbates usually when I'm not there to be with him. It's not an outright replacement of me. I use my vibrator sometimes and I masterbate, both of which I like. But I'd much rather just be with my bf because of the intimacy.

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i happen to know my boyfriend masturbates...although i wish i didn't. sometimes i worry he likes it more than having sex with me, but i don't think its the truth. all guys do it..


I'm no guy, but I'm sure everyone prefers sex with their significant other over pleasing themself! Unless you are really that bad.. But seriously, it's nothing to feel insecure over.

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I read on a website (i cant remember which one, and i dont have a link, sorry. but im sure that you can look it up) that it is necessary for men to masturbate regularly, or at least release the built up semen through sex, otherwise there can be complications of some sort. i forget what exactly! grr. next time i'll be sure to be able to cite my sources.....

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masturbate? regardless of their being in a happy relationship?

or is masturbation in men a sign that they are not happy?


I guess it's different for everyone, I know a guy that refuses to masturbate, at all.. but the guys I know that do masturbate they do it whenever they feel like it, doesnt mean they are not happy, just means you are not able to help them for whatever reason so they do it themselves.


don't females do that as well.. I couldnt survive the time between saying goodbye to my boyfriend and seeing him again without masturbation lol

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My friend told me some night she just doesn't feel like having sex with her bf, she'd rather get it done herself.

hahaha, if there was ever a clearer picture illustrating the contrast in sexual feelings between men and women, i have yet to see it...not that all women have had such an experience, but i doubt ANY man would ever choose his hand over a willing girlfriend/wife unless he's lost all attraction to his partner


the more time i spend with my girlfriend the less i masturbate, and that ain't no coincidence

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I would much rather have sex with my bf than masterbate, but then I dont always finish with him and although I am satisfied emotionally, im not physically... so I do it when hes not around.


Or if I am just suddenly in the mood and I wont be seeing him any time soon, Ill do it then, too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OP: Well, i can't speak for "men", and none of the men here can either since every man is different. For myself though, I masturbate regularly: I love my boyfriend to bits and I love sex with him, but sometimes I get horny when he's not around... sometimes I even do it lying in bed beside him because he can be completely comatose in the morning... so i sort myself out, and then jump him when he finally begins to wake up



Dont teeenage boys usaully mastubate cause they are not ready for sex?


Generally, people of all ages masturbate because it feels good.




Is there a way to tell how much my boyfriend masturbates without asking him?


Nope Why do you need to know?

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I've only known one man who didn't admit to masturbating and he was a very highly religious whacky guy. I still think he did does it.


Even when I'm in a relationship, I still masturbate. Just about everyone does it, but not everyone cares to admit, or talk about it.

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I'm a man and nothing beats the real deal (sex) but masturbation is an alternative if my girlfriend is not around or tired, etc... It's just a release and I don't think it really has much to do with happiness in a relationship. It's probably just a way of getting rid of some sexual tention that is not needed at the given point in time.

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Well me and my boyfriend joke around cause Ill go "So did you have any fun with Jill last night or was she lonely?"


("Jill" is basically yourhand if you put your hand out infront of you and spready your fingures out your thumb and inter finger make the "J" your middle finger makes the "I" and your ring and pinky finger make the "L"s)


he he'll always laugh and not answer me. How can I ask him to make him think Im not just joking around like usual?

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Well me and my boyfriend joke around cause Ill go "So did you have any fun with Jill last night or was she lonely?"


("Jill" is basically yourhand if you put your hand out infront of you and spready your fingures out your thumb and inter finger make the "J" your middle finger makes the "I" and your ring and pinky finger make the "L"s)


he he'll always laugh and not answer me. How can I ask him to make him think Im not just joking around like usual?


Better question: Why in the world would you care how much your boyfriend masturbates? Its not like him doing it more or less often indicates ANYTHING about a relationship or his desire/drive to be with you. I had a day a few weeks ago where I was home alone for the entire day and I ended up rubbing one out 10 or 11 times, it doesn't mean I was unhappy with my girlfriend or anything, but rather that I was pretty darn bored and had nothing better to do.

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Oh Itsthatguy, that made me laugh I know a couple of days in the past like that, it's crazy.


Starting innocently with one, and then about 1/2 hour later going for a next then a next etc....I'm impressed with 10 or 11, I think I did about 7 or 8. I just couldn't get enough of the big 'O'.


What I've heard, don't know if it's true or not is that women burn calories with an 'O', so that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.


Actually OP I masturbate far more than my SO does, and it does no harm, in fact it enhances my intimacy with him, as I'm constantly learning about my own body through it.

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