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Alternative emergency contraceptive???


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I was doing research on how to prevent HPV and what to do if your condom broke and i came accross some weird infromation. The infromation that i found out said vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) is an alternative emergency contraceptive and if you can't get an hold of the morning after emergency pill at a pharmacy(72 hours after condom breaks or unprotective sex ).Vitamin C is a sperm killer and could be used.WARNINGThe infromation say if it's less then 72 hours go for the morning after pill instead


Direction woman should insert two tablets within the vagina next to the cervix as soon as possible(twice a day for 3 days) and it also say a woman can do the same thing before intercourse to kill sperm.How werid Vitamin C is a sperm killer?


Another thing i found out is Lemon juice and garlic might be a natural sperm killer/spermacide too????


Homemade spermacide recipe:

14 drop lemon juice

1 tsp cornstarch

a bit of honey

Combine together and put inside a diapham,cervical cup or rubber.


****WARNING***I would do more research or talk to a doctor before trying any of these methods*******

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Why is the research necessary if you plan on remaining a virgin?

Looks like it is a myth and with so many proven birth control methods why take the risk?


Batya and Dako,


I'm a researcher so if people throw out questions(What's the best dating site,best condom ,best CD,worst movie,how to prevent HPV,STD or get the morning after ).My fingers sometime goes into research mode to find out the answers to the question.

I'm only a virgin because i don't have a long term monogamous commitment from a man(husfriend or husband) but once i do.I won't be a proud sex for commitment virgin but a proud sex for commitment nonvirgin.

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It could be the pH can effect whether the sperm is able to travel up the vagina into the uterus and up to the ampula portion of the fallopian tube, where fertilization normally takes place.


I think it's probably best instead to have emergency contraception on hand at home just in case all the time for that very reason.


Interesting idea though .

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I think whatever you found is unreliable. I would like to know your source since you are quoting information to us. The proper thing to do is to state your source and not just copy and paste from some random website. A link should be provided....



Personally, if your going to have sex use proven methods like condoms and birth control pills or other non chemical means. Not some mix created in a kitcean mixing bowl. I wouldnt trust it.

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quietgrl - I am very curious as to why you feel the need to comment on all kinds of sexual related threads when you have not had sex. Have no first hand experiance on sexual related issues, and do not plan to have sex in the near future.


You seem rather curious about the whole thing and bursting with advice.. I am sure there are lots of topics on the forum you have actual experiance with.

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It could be the pH can effect whether the sperm is able to travel up the vagina into the uterus and up to the ampula portion of the fallopian tube, where fertilization normally takes place.


I think it's probably best instead to have emergency contraception on hand at home just in case all the time for that very reason.


Interesting idea though .


From what I understand, lemon juice, etc might harm a woman's internal organs.

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Husfriend - interesting - let me guess - someone you are married to that you actually like? ;-). Please don't tell me you mean a boyfriend you are committed to. Please. ;-)



Husfriend is a man who is not "lawfully " married to his long term girlfriend.

An example of a husfriend is Kurt Russell(Goldie Hawn),Steadman(Oprah) and Tim Robbins(Susan Sarandon).

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quietgrl - I am very curious as to why you feel the need to comment on all kinds of sexual related threads when you have not had sex. Have no first hand experiance on sexual related issues, and do not plan to have sex in the near future.


You seem rather curious about the whole thing and bursting with advice.. I am sure there are lots of topics on the forum you have actual experiance with.


My impression is that she is conflicted about her stated reasons for waiting to have sex v. perhaps some other reasons that she is less comfortable facing. I have seen situations where that sort of conflict can create intense focus, even an obsession concerning what sex is all about. Kind of "the lady doth protest too much" with all the labels and categorization of her personal decision to wait to have sex. Again, partially speculation, but most people I know who make a decision like that - which is not in the least bit unusual -- do not feel the need to draw attention to it by labeling themselves as part of a group or creating new definitions for age old concepts.


From your posts, Quietgrl, it seems to me you are conflicted about your decision and made this decision based on negative views of romantic relationships rather than based on a positive view of yourself or your values/standards.

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I think whatever you found is unreliable. I would like to know your source since you are quoting information to us. The proper thing to do is to state your source and not just copy and paste from some random website. A link should be provided....



Personally, if your going to have sex use proven methods like condoms and birth control pills or other non chemical means. Not some mix created in a kitcean mixing bowl. I wouldnt trust it.



Alternative Meds book:

Jeanne Rose " Herbs & Aromatherapy for the Reproductive System"

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Husfriend is a man who is not "lawfully " married to his long term girlfriend.

An example of a husfriend is Kurt Russell(Goldie Hawn),Steadman(Oprah) and Tim Robbins(Susan Sarandon).


I think that's called "boyfriend" or "signficant other" or "common law husband" in some states. You're entitled to make up words of course but not sure why it's necessary in this case. Is it because you would feel better having sex with someone where part of your label for him was similar to the term "husband?"

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quietgrl - I am very curious as to why you feel the need to comment on all kinds of sexual related threads when you have not had sex. Have no first hand experiance on sexual related issues, and do not plan to have sex in the near future.


You seem rather curious about the whole thing and bursting with advice.. I am sure there are lots of topics on the forum you have actual experiance with.


This is not about sex or virginity for me but about research.A person throw out a question and my fingers go into research mode.I want people to get the answers to their question because knowledge is power.I see alot of nonvirgin on message boards asking the same sex question.I mean sex question that i already know the answer too so this is not about sex or virginity to me.This is about people knowledge.

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I think that's called "boyfriend" or "signficant other" or "common law husband" in some states. You're entitled to make up words of course but not sure why it's necessary in this case. Is it because you would feel better having sex with someone where part of your label for him was similar to the term "husband?"


No!, I think any person who is in a relationship with another person for a long time is your husband or wife (legal or not).I mean some of these couples live together,share property and have kids together

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No!, I think any person who is in a relationship with another person for a long time is your husband or wife (legal or not).I mean some of these couples live together,share property and have kids together


OK - not to me - unless you are legally married or recognized as common law you can live together forever and have kids - but you are not husband and wife - you might be boyfriend and girlfriend, lovers, co-parents of the child, etc. I have a legal definition of the terms husband and wife and you do not - the main distinction between marital and non-marital is legal, not emotional - but, you do the research.

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I think that mariage can be defined however you want it to be. Each to their own!


With regards to natural contraceptives, i don't doubt for a minute that they exist. Nature holds the answer for most things, if only people today would give it a chance.


The example of the prostitutes is really interesting, it seems there may be a practical experiment going on in the world today of this method of birth control proving effective.


And i for one would be much happier with a naturally occurring contraceptive, so long as it was proved effective, than some pill that messes up my hormone production.

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OK - not to me - unless you are legally married or recognized as common law you can live together forever and have kids - but you are not husband and wife - you might be boyfriend and girlfriend, lovers, co-parents of the child, etc. I have a legal definition of the terms husband and wife and you do not - the main distinction between marital and non-marital is legal, not emotional - but, you do the research.





I notice some people on enotalone double analyzing my views on sex,virginity and romance.It's strange but ooookkkkay(looking around the room) .I can agree to disagree with online people and still say hello to them in a room and not goodbye.I can't say the same for other online people because i've been called names and harass for being me.

Baysa in the end, it doesn't matter what we think the definition of a "husfriend "is because if you believe in what you say or do.It doesn't matter what i call a man and making what sound like a smart remark"you do the research" show you do care about what i do call a man.

My views on sex,virginity and romance shouldn't bother anybody but those people who don't believe in what they are saying or doing.My views will bug the heck out of you .

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Thanks for sharing. It is hard to read/understand what you wrote because of the style and format you use. I agree with southerngirl that it is a little unusual how much you focus on sexual activity in your posts given your constant focus on being a virgin.

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