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Condom Split!!


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Me and my girlfriend was getting it on last night, and when we was finishing up, after i came, i realised that there was a rip in the condom. She is 15 i am 16 and way way too young to be getting pregnant.


We are on the hunt for a morning after pill/emergency contraception, but i cant help but worry, i keep saying sorry to her even though its not my fault. But i dont want to put her through distress. She means a lot to me and i wouldnt want her getting in trouble because my crummy condom split.


Any advice on what to do/avoid in the future? i hope we can get hold of a pill. thanks

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Is it possible for her to go on the pill as well? I know that this might not be easy, some drs I've found are reluctant to prescribe it to girls her age (personal experience!!).


I don't know if there is anything else I can say. Just keep using condoms when(if) she goes on the pill. Can never be too careful.

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Make sure you get that morning after pill - the best thing you can do right now!


For the future, you should try to use a second method of birth control. Since the most effective methods out there are female hormonal birth control, you will probably want for her to go on the pill (or other similar form of BC, such as the patch, the Nuva-Ring, the depo shot). Is there an equivalent to planned parenthood (free clinic) in the UK? In the Us they offer BC at low cost.


Also wanted to add a word of caution - I don't know what the age of consent is in the UK. In the US it is often 16. So if your girlfriend is under the age of consent and you two are having sex, you personally could get in quite a bit of trouble if her parents found out, and particularly if she got pregnant. Just think it over and weigh the risks vs. benefits of having sex. (By the way if the age of consent is lower in the UK ignore the above - sorry, just trying to be thorough!).


Good luck!

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That's a point - it is 16 in the Uk. So it counts as statutory rape. I sincerely doubt your gf would ever consider using that against you (especially if she's been watching Hollyoaks!) but Sophie is right, that's something to be careful about!


Are there no emergency clinics around your way? I'd completely forgotten it is Sunday..

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Age of consent is 16 here aswell, i know i could get in trouble but i never thought this would happen im really worryed and as its sunday the chemists are closed here. So we have to wait till tomorow, but we shall go down after school and get it.


There is always a duty chemist required to be open at all times, including on a Sunday. Find out where it is (you could call round, or possibly try NHS Direct), and head off. Morning after pill is effective for up to 72hrs afterwards, but the effectiveness does decrease over time, so really the sooner the better. And don't worry! Odds are very much in your favour.

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I have a theory that they split because maybe you didn't squeeze the air out of the end when you were putting it on - you know that little bit on the end.


Bah - I've had this - splitting condoms, I know the feeling, you pull out and look at it, and it's like an elastic band round the base of your old fella


Also - when you "finish" don't carry on for too long - this could be why they split as well.

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well i had a few to drink as we had been to a party, and also it was dark aswell. So i may of put it on properly, i will definetly be taking more care in the future now. . . maybe even putting two on.


Don't use two condoms at the same time! The latex rubbing together actually increases the risk of the condoms breaking.


Please read up on birth control methods. It's great that you're using condoms, but you should educate yourself on other options that you can use in addition to condoms.

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well i had a few to drink as we had been to a party, and also it was dark aswell. So i may of put it on properly, i will definetly be taking more care in the future now. . . maybe even putting two on.


Don't put two on! No no no no! It increases the risk that they will break. The friction between the two condoms make both of them more likely to break. Check out this link link removed and this one link removed. (If you don't have time to read them, it justs says that putting two on is a big no-no, and apparently there are even warnings against that practice on condom boxes).


Your safest protection is to use condoms properly AND have another method of birth control.

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That is interesting. I remember back in high school all of our sex education teachers told us that if you wanted to be extra safe, double up on those condoms! Not a good thing to tell us when were are already living in the state with the highest recorded teen pregnancies and living in the city that ranks the highest in that state for them...ah, pleasent little town.

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That is interesting. I remember back in high school all of our sex education teachers told us that if you wanted to be extra safe, double up on those condoms! Not a good thing to tell us when were are already living in the state with the highest recorded teen pregnancies and living in the city that ranks the highest in that state for them...ah, pleasent little town.


Maybe the education system has something to do with the pregnancy rate? Not good.

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I know an awful lot about birth conrtol and stuff . . . but obviously not about the double condom thing. The thing is to go on the pill she would have to have her parents consesnt wouldnt she? Her parents would flip if they found out she was having sex. I would never be able to see her again.

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I know an awful lot about birth conrtol and stuff . . . but obviously not about the double condom thing. The thing is to go on the pill she would have to have her parents consesnt wouldnt she? Her parents would flip if they found out she was having sex. I would never be able to see her again.


She shouldn't need her parent's consent. I'm not entirely sure how the system works there, but she should be able to go to her regular doctor and ask for a prescription. Does she have access to a medical card or something similar?


If not, I'm pretty sure there are clinics around that could give her the pill without her parent's consent. Do a search for one in your area.


This might be of some help. link removed

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ok so um ur 16.... my philosophy, don't have sex unless u can handle the responsibilities that could come with it (sorry if any of this comes out funny I'm actually on my phone). I started having sex at that age and every month I wondered if this was gunna b the month I finally screwed up. once I got out of that I felt so much better. maybe that's just me. but yall r just babies still. you shouldn't risk having babies of your own yet. pleople tell me I'm too young for sex and I'm legally an adult I don't know like I said this is just my opinion.


as far as the pill ges. how did she get it if shes only 15. I've gotten carded all 3 times (i shouldn't have even bothered woth it once) but I thought u had to be 18

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Take care of your condoms. Don't carry it around in your walet. Don't leave it in a car bc the heat change between sunny hot morning and cold nights can damage it. Make sure it's not some cheap condom. Check out what types are the safest (durex ultra thin are americas top).

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