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F-Friend - Kiss or Not?


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I knew a philanderer who was quite into f*buddies, but it was all about the sex for him and he didn't want romance of any sort, kissing, foreplay etc. just wasted his time getting to the main event...


he was really too much though, becuase in his own head he thought if he didn't kiss or cuddle etc. that it would somehow keep his f*buddy girls from getting too close to him and 'control' their emotions and stop them from wanting more from him... errmmmm, no!


what he really wanted was free hookers, and eventually the girls he 'dated' figured that out, that he wasn't really dating them, just using them, especially since he wanted to spend no time with them outside bed after the first few times, and mainly wanted sexual acts that hookers are known for and his current (hidden) steady girlfriend wouldn't do for him...


but women are not stupid and figure this out after a few times, that they are being used and the person might have some other girl he is sharing his kisses and time with, and he is not being truthful about that, and then they dump him.


but always a bad sign, if he won't kiss you... one has to ask, what's up with that?

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I've had f-buddies before and I've always kissed them. Some prefer not to cuddle for whatever reason, but others don't mind. Kissing is usually the start of foreplay, so it's hard to get away with not doing it. The only times I haven't kissed during sex have been with boyfriends, believe it or not. I don't mean all the time, but when it comes down to morning breath...yuuuuck.


My f-buddies days are over now. It was fun while it lasted.

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Those of you who are {bed} friends or {bed} buddies..

Do you kiss or not?

I had two of those,

One where we would kiss and one that was against it.


What about you?


My only f-buddy that I have had we used to kiss, when I would get there and before I would leave.. (and during sex of course) we were really good friends though, so maybe that was it..

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i don't see how you could have sex without kissing. whether the person is your f-buddy or your boyfriend or whatever its very hard for me to imagine going straight to the main event without kissing first. kissing is like part of it. i thought it was like that for everyone, guess i was wrong. i had a friend with benefits once, we didn't have sex, but we did everything else and also kissed.

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I could theoretically, but never have just gone straight to the act. I always thought that women needed some foreplay before the act anyway (to become more wet and ready for penetration).


not always, the thought of having a quickie makes me wet enough to do it... sometimes foreplay is a big thing, bigger then the act but not always.

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