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sexually frustrated


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dude, I know how to talk to people. I'm a lot better than I was in high school.now I won't shut up..so don't tell me to try to learn some communication skills cuz that was rude of you to say


Well ew are giving you suggestions and you are dismissing them with nothing, 'done that' etc. I didn't mean to be harsh or rude like I said in the topic, but what you are talking like here is all I have to go off so I was giving you some advice.



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if you talk to women on internet dating the way you are talking here, I am sorry to say (this may be harsh) but I am not surprised.


Try to learn some communication skills, how to make a conversation flow. Don't ask close ended questions (questions that can only be answered with a yes/no or very short answer)

Look for things in her answer that you can talk about with your own experiences (oh, you have been to Europe, I went backpacking when I was 17 for 5 months, my favourite places were..... what part did you enjoy the most)

Act interested in things that she likes, even if you aren't over interested in it.

No one will want to talk to you if you constantly answer with




"it's ok"

"i dont mind"










Gotta agree w/ that one. Plus, I'm really sorry, but do you have the same picture on your dating profiles that you have here??? Seriously, what's up w/ that pic?

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Don't you hate it when people say:


"Just go find someone to have sex with"




"Why can't you find anyone to be with"


If it was as easy as the 1st sentence or if we knew the answer to the 2nd one then we wouldn't be frustrated and posting here on Enotalone




I found sex clubs near your area (Norman, Oklahoma) so let us know the answer to your question.

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Hmmm I highly doubt such a thing would be out here in the good ol' bible belt! Even so I'm sure those participating in that club don't look like me (I'm a black male) and doubt they'd let me join in on the fun so to speak.


I counted over 20 sex club near your area and i don't think your skin color will be the issue.The problem is most sex club except couples and single women but single men(shaking my hand).

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Haha nice to see you've done your research into this issue. I'll confess sometimes in my moments of rage and loneliness I toy with the idea of going to a swinger club (but I'm a chicken) and no of at least one in the Ok City area. But like you said most won't accept single men which is understandable but as if I needed another reason to hate being single




A person can find a willing sex partner if they want too.I wouldn't let being single stop you from getting your needs met.





Iowa has 2 sex clubs so let us know the answer to the question.

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