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sexually frustrated


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I haven't had sex in 7 yeears and yeah it's killing me. I've never even had a **** buddy before. I feel like a loser. Mostly everone else is having sex or having sex with random people and I'm not.


Its killing me that I am 28 and I never had sex yet! 7 yrs isn't to bad..At least you have done it and have the experience

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Don't be so worried about it, dude. Maybe the reason is because you can't get into a relationship. When you get into a relationship, don't make sex a priority. Try to find a relationship, and swallow your pride and just have some patience.


you're right, but it still sucks

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I haven't had sex in 7 yeears and yeah it's killing me. I've never even had a **** buddy before. I feel like a loser. Mostly everyone else is having sex or having sex with random people and I'm not.


What to do..what to do


if you worry about it alot like it seems like in your post, that comes accross to the people you are trying to attract and it's a real turn off when you think someone is hitting on you because they just want sex..

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I don't even get hit on


you need to make an effort, you can't just go somewhere in hope that someone will go and talk to you and then you will have sex..


have you tried internet dating?

speed dating?

these things may help with your communication skills.

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it's not that easy.


if you talk to women on internet dating the way you are talking here, I am sorry to say (this may be harsh) but I am not surprised.


Try to learn some communication skills, how to make a conversation flow. Don't ask close ended questions (questions that can only be answered with a yes/no or very short answer)

Look for things in her answer that you can talk about with your own experiences (oh, you have been to Europe, I went backpacking when I was 17 for 5 months, my favourite places were..... what part did you enjoy the most)

Act interested in things that she likes, even if you aren't over interested in it.

No one will want to talk to you if you constantly answer with




"it's ok"

"i dont mind"






Do what the rest of us do when we're sexually frustrated, masturbate.



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if you talk to women on internet dating the way you are talking here, I am sorry to say (this may be harsh) but I am not surprised.


Try to learn some communication skills, how to make a conversation flow. Don't ask close ended questions (questions that can only be answered with a yes/no or very short answer)

Look for things in her answer that you can talk about with your own experiences (oh, you have been to Europe, I went backpacking when I was 17 for 5 months, my favourite places were..... what part did you enjoy the most)

Act interested in things that she likes, even if you aren't over interested in it.

No one will want to talk to you if you constantly answer with




"it's ok"

"i dont mind"







dude, I know how to talk to people. I'm a lot better than I was in high school.now I won't shut up..so don't tell me to try to learn some communication skills cuz that was rude of you to say

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The longer this goes on, the more pent up and frustrated you'll become. Which as someone stated before, does really make a person give off a feeling of desperation.


Maybe you could learn to relax more. It may help if you worked on a good sense of humour, and a healthy confidence. I'm not assuming you don't have a sense of humour, but you may have lost the art as your mind is always questioning itself..."how do I look?", "Is she really interested?", "Am I saying the right things?". With so much bouncing around in your head, you probably forget how to be natural, you may not be showing the real you.


You stated that you know how to communicate, but do you think you maybe are only chatting about what you want to hear, and not what they would like to hear?


Anyway, humour is a great turn on, most women don't want to be around a grumpy bugger, I know personally when my man, who is a chatter box and a very very positive person, starts joking around, he makes me feel fantastic, happy AND horny!


Just give it some thought.


All the best.

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