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What is it about girls my age?


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I'm 20 and I moved to a new city last month where I don't know anyone. I've introduced myself to and had conversations with plenty of girls since I've been here, but it seems like the only ones who react well and end up giving me their number are all 17 and 18... Yet the girls I've talked to who are 20-24 all react rather... cold, I guess. For example, today I tried talking to this girl (22) at the local Starbucks and we chatted for a few minutes, but the whole time I was paying attention to her body language and could tell she was not exactly enjoying the conversation even though she was equally participating in it (then again it might have had to do with the fact that she was studying and had a test to take later that afternoon). I've had a 100% success rate with girls (that I later find out are 17 or 18 ), but a ~10% success rate with girls that are actually my age... It's really starting to get to me because it creeps me out a little to think about dating someone who's still in high school...



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girls in the city just have their defenses up. in this large city in the east coast, girls will just ignore me when all i want are directions.


young girls don't know any better. or maybe their attracted to the older mature 20 something, it increases their popularity and image among peers dating someone out of high school. i guess.

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ive been the 17 year old dating the 22 year old so personally i find nothing wrong with it...but i understand you wanting someone more on your level.


I know not many of my girlfriends are interested in dating guys their own age or younger.


im thinkin and i have no advice for you other than to say that everyone woman is different, and age generalizations don't prove anything - you'll meet the right girl no matter what the age.

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ive been the 17 year old dating the 22 year old so personally i find nothing wrong with it...but i understand you wanting someone more on your level.


I know not many of my girlfriends are interested in dating guys their own age or younger.


im thinkin and i have no advice for you other than to say that everyone woman is different, and age generalizations don't prove anything - you'll meet the right girl no matter what the age.


Yeah, you may have found nothing wrong with it, but when I was in high school and knew girls who were dating 19-22 year olds I always thought to myself, "What the hell is wrong with those guys why are they coming back to high school to find girls" and for the longest time I would always make fun of my friends who seemed to hang out with mostly high school chicks... and here I am, doing the same, and it's only because I'm out of college working in another city for a year so it's a little harder to meet girls I know will be my age.


I'm sure I'll meet the right girl someday, but that's not what I'm looking for right now

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I think it was somewhat inconsiderate on your part to continue to force a conversation with someone who seemed busy with studying. She probably felt obligated to be polite/was uncomfortable with direct confrontation and was hoping you would catch on. The option of leaving a good table at starbucks is not a realistic one in order to get out of a conversation.

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I think it was somewhat inconsiderate on your part to continue to force a conversation with someone who seemed busy with studying. She probably felt obligated to be polite/was uncomfortable with direct confrontation and was hoping you would catch on. The option of leaving a good table at starbucks is not a realistic one in order to get out of a conversation.


Yeah, I know, it wasn't the best idea, but I've done it before and the girls who show interest usually stop caring about studying when we start talking, lol

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I know there are a lot of girls who prefer older guys. I'm 20 myself and I haven't dated anyone less than 2.5 years older than me. I wouldn't date someone my age unless they had something extra special to offer. I also used to be the 17 year old going for the 20 year olds.


If 17 y/o's aren't what you want, then try looking for someone who looks a bit older. There are plenty out there who will date someone their own age. I don't think many older women will go for it though, but it I could be wrong.

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I know there are a lot of girls who prefer older guys. I'm 20 myself and I haven't dated anyone less than 2.5 years older than me. I wouldn't date someone my age unless they had something extra special to offer. I also used to be the 17 year old going for the 20 year olds.




And what would be something that qualified for the "something extra special' category?

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Extreme maturity or independence. I have a hard time relating to people my age or younger.


I have a similar issue with girls younger than me because they haven't done anything with their lives yet... nothing really exciting or very interesting... meanwhile I'm half way through my bachelor's in aerospace engineering, I work as an aerospace engineer at an army base full-time, I'm completely independent from my parents financially (I even pay for my out-of-state tuition), I'm backpacking accross Europe this summer by myself, I love skydiving and flying planes...


and what have all these 17/18 yo's done... gone to high school and MAYBE worked one or two jobs... I feel like I'm too mature for my age, but no girl is gonna know all of that after just one conversation... but judge me on my age, yeah sure, why not, works with everything else right?


P.S. ~ That statement isn't aimed at you, it's just my general frustration

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I understand the frustration. Your particular circumstances sound very desirable and you fit the bill for mature and independent. Maybe it's a first impression based on your age? When you get to know someone, age shouldn't matter but sometimes it's hard to get around it initially. I'm sure you'll eventually meet someone a little older than 17 that will give you a chance. What about the girls you go to college with?

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It's probably not the best idea, but maybe I should just flat-out lie about my age if it seems to matter that much... Initially I don't even tell people my age, I just end up answering their questions about things I've done in my life and then when they ask my age their response is along the lines of, "You're only 20 and you've already done all of that?!"


As for the girls that go to my school... I'm not in school this semester because of my job. I'm working all this year and then going back to school in the spring

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