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would you kiss him and her?


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I turn temporarily bisexual when I get drunk and have kissed lots of girls... emotionally/physically, though, I am attracted to men. I do, however, find girls beautiful and sexy but don't really fantasize about them and i'm 95% sure I'd never persue a relationship with one.

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aw, hindsight, i'm curious about this.... why not? Obviously you're 100% straight, I get that...

but to simply peck another guy (you know, how close girlfriends will peck each other)... what's your reason behind it? Is it just the whole stigma of it in today's society? That people will assume you're gay?

I'm in no way trying to be rude or judgemental, but this is something I've always wondered about

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Just as I wouldn't randomly kiss a guy, I wouldn't randomly kiss a girl. I'm not the type to make out with someone unless I'm in a relationship with that person.. think what you will of that. it's not appealing to kiss someone when they've probably been doing a lot of kissing of other people soon before and probably would soon after.


But even then, I still wouldn't kiss another girl. Although I'm sure it's just like kissing a guy.. only not. Maybe it just has to do with the fact that I think a lot of kissing.. probably more than the average person.


I don't think there's anything wrong with kissing someone of the same gender, it's just not for me.

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I've seen girls kiss girls, unexpectedly. I have no idea why they do that... they must be attracted to each other?? They were just talking about girls have soft hands, and soft body in comparison to guys... and then they talk about lips and one dares the other and they just kissed! Right in front of me! Crazy!


I think it's something only girls would do. As for guys... not in a million years. Not even for money! argg... disgusting!

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*Shrug* I kiss my girlfriends, it's not a big deal. I mean, I don't make out with them, but kissing isn't a big deal. I have a boyfriend and I'm straight, although I do think women are beautiful and it wouldn't bother me too much to make out with a girl... I just wouldn't be turned on. I'd do it for cash in a second though. ;]

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I did kiss a girl once.


We had a class together in college and hanging out one night these two guys were watching us and kinda following us. She dared me to kiss her so we could blow them off by pretending to be a couple while also making them wish they could see more. I didn't mind the kiss...but the horrible taste of cigarettes I minded A LOT. It was just some lip kissing, no tongue.


Probably won't kiss another girl again because why kiss someone I'm not gonna be in a relationship with?

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