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Has anyone here had a mole removed? And would like to tell me a little about it? How much was it? Did it leave any scarring? Did the mole get fainter? How many sessions did it take? Did you like your doctor?


I went for a consultation to a doctor at a famous hospital. I was so excited but the procedure is expensive and I didn't like the doctor very much. I wonder if I should go to him because does work at a wellknown place.


I just have a few flat moles, and slightly raised ones and I don't like them at all. Has anyone had moles removed near their eyes as well?


Please let me know all about it.

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I have had moles removed!


One of them was right under the outside corner of my eye. I miss it! But am glad I had it removed.


I had a mole removed on my back as a child.


I also had a mole removed from the side of my face (near my ear.)


The one by the eye and the one on my back - perfect. Can't tell I ever had either.


The one by my ear - was flat but deep. There's a visible scar but not one that is completely noticeable.


Do you have health insurance? I'm in the U.S. and all of mine were covered by health insurance. Two were removed by my regular physician. One was removed by a plastic surgeon.


I must add:

Remember that these unique features make us unique. I'm glad I had mine removed but did it because my ex made a comment about all of my moles. They were not ugly. The one by my eye was like a beauty mark. Having them removed was also safer as far as possible skin cancer. Just make sure you do it for the right reasons!

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Definitely go to a good dermatologist, especially if they are on your face.


I had a mole (about 1/2 cm in diameter, slightly raised, on my cheek) which I wanted removed. I saw my family doctor and he said he would have to cut it out and it would leave a scar just as big as the mole. I also have friends who had moles removed this way and they have scars. I didn,t want that.


Then I met this great dermatologist and I asked him about it. He said he could take it off with no scar. He sprayed some kind of acid on it and within a week there was absolutely to sign left of it - not even the tiniest scar.


I didn't pay anything for that because he was a friend, but I know it should be cheap. It took less than a minute.


If your moles are deep, however, the procedure is more complicated. Mine was just on the surface, but if yours have roots going into your skin, the procedure may be more expensive and a scar may be unavoidable.

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I had a raised mole uh... down THERE... And it would get cut and bleed all over the place every time I shaved over it. It was REALLY raised. So I removed it myself, with ice cubes and an exacto-knife. I did a GREAT job! I feel so much better about it. Did not hurt one small bit. No scarring either, and it was a HOME JOB! So I don't think things like that are as delicate as it might seem.


I have one dark mole (slightly raised) on my neck that is just a little smaller than a pencil eraser, and I plan to have that one removed professionally, since it's more visible.

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Were these moles removed with laser or by cutting? I tend to favor laser but I am not sure if lasers can be used on every type of mole.


I am just not sure because this dermatologist works at a really famous hospital and he is the head of dermatology there but I did not like him too much as a person. Also the cost is a bit high...but mostly I am concerned with the quality of work and that there is no scarring if possible.

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I had a raised mole uh... down THERE... And it would get cut and bleed all over the place every time I shaved over it. It was REALLY raised. So I removed it myself, with ice cubes and an exacto-knife. I did a GREAT job! I feel so much better about it. Did not hurt one small bit. No scarring either, and it was a HOME JOB! So I don't think things like that are as delicate as it might seem.


I have one dark mole (slightly raised) on my neck that is just a little smaller than a pencil eraser, and I plan to have that one removed professionally, since it's more visible.


You ARE KIDDING!! please tell me you're kidding....

that made me throw up... (easy to do today, seeing as I an so hung over) but please tell me your kidding

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I had two raised moles right under my eyebrow, and I was really self-conscious about the way they looked, even though they weren't all that big. I actually got them removed while I was visiting a different country, so the procedure only cost about $100, and the facility was great (not the kind of horror stories you hear about dirty illegal salons).


I was quite nervous, given that one of the moles was on very delicate skin, practically on my eyelid...However, the cosmetic surgeon said that she had removed moles from the lashline with no complications whatsoever. She just applied a topical anesthetic to the two moles, and basically burned them off. I could feel her doing it, but it really didn't hurt. For about a week after that I had two rather large dark scabs, but once they fell off, everything was just hunky-dorey!

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