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What to do this summer?


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I've got two options, and I'm not sure which one is better...Help?


1. Go to Italy for a month with a study abroad program.

Pros: I'm going to a different country for a month, probably making good friends within the program, and improving my italian skills.


Cons: It's quite expensive, I would be losing a month's worth of money at work, I would miss the biggest event of the year at work (and letting my manager down because she really needs me then), and since the program is in July, I couldn't really do anything for the rest of the summer (like summer school, or getting a second job) because it would be split up.


2. Stay where I am now, work at my current job, work as the summer coordinator for an art organization, and take a summer course in one of the languages that I'm taking.


Pros: I would be making money instead of spending money, I would be learning another language, and the whole summer would be generally more productive since I'd be involved in things that last the entire three months.


Cons: I'd be passing up an opportunity to go to Italy...

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I wouldn't study anything in particular...it would just be an intensive advanced language and culture class.


It's not so much the money that I'm worried about (although I am, yes...since I will have to take out a loan for it), but the fact that I won't be able to do anything else productive for the rest of the summer.

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Speaking as someone who didn't take the opportunity to study abroad... go to Italy! If you don't you'll always regret it. Once your life if up and running with family and other commitments you'll never get another chance like this. Grab it with both hands.

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How important is your current job to your future? If this is an organization that you will want to return to and grow into, think how leaving is going to effect that. Although disappointed, would they be willing to understand and welcome you back? Especially if you told them of your absense now versus closer to summer?


If you really can find it in your budget, I wouldn't worry about the money and study Italy. This is the sort of experience that becomes more difficult to get as we move deeper into our careers.


Good luck with your decision!

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